Fallon drives me back to my place and helps me bring in all the groceries.

"So, where is she?" Fallon says sharply.

"Shhh she's sleeping."

"UGH! Why do you care?"

"Fallon if she's awake she is yelling. I would rather not."

Fallon nods in realization. We are quiet the rest of the time, when everything is organized and put away, she gives me a hug and waves bye. As soon as I lock the door, I hear her door open.


"Where is my wine?"

I roll my eyes, "Mom I'm only 18. I can't buy alcohol."

"Great, just another reason why you are a worthless child." She says with venom.

Don't cry spence, it's okay.

I don't say anything, I can't. Luckily, she simply turns around and goes back into her room slamming the door shut. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Going to the kitchen I make some mac and cheese and go to my room, unlocking my laptop I turn on criminal mind and relax. Before I even realize it, I'm falling asleep to Spencer Reid spouting off statistics about L.A traffic to Morgan.

By the time a wake up my computer screen is black, and the bowl of mac and cheese is laying on the floor. Classy. Groggily I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face and wake up a little. Noticing I've been in the same gross clothes I take them off and take a shower. Nighttime showers are one of my favorite things. Everything is so peaceful and tranquil, its dark, and warm, its quiet and so relaxing. After my shower I decide to do a face mask and have a relaxing night to myself. Laying in bed I'm listening to music with my eyes closed. I feel my phone buzz and go to check.

You left.

Its not a question, it's a statement.

Yea I did.

And because I can't control myself, I send another.



And because I hate myself, I simply don't answer. What am I supposed to say? I don't know why I left but I had to. I needed to run. I couldn't stay. How do I explain that as cliché it sounds, it's not him it's me, it's my fault, it always is?

Taking off my face mask, I do my nighttime routine and crawl into bed with tears in my eyes.

Waking up is always the hardest. There is a moment right before I open my eyes where I'm not quite awake and I don't remember who I am and how absolute shit my life is. That's my favorite. This moment never lasts long, a mere millisecond passes before I am awake and fully aware. Getting up I turn off my alarm and get ready for school. Putting on my black band tee, black leggings, and black boots I leave the house and see Fallon waiting for me in her car with coffee and a bagel.

"Hey babes. How you doing?"

"I'm okay. How are you?"

Oh you know, same soup different day."

I choke on my coffee and start laughing, "Fallon what the fuck."

"Yea you know. Nothing new."

"Why didn't you say it like that?"

She shrugs parking in front of the school. "I don't know babes. I'm weird."

Swinging my arm around her I say, "Well then I'm Weird with you."

The Good Girl's Bad Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें