"There were bad things," Lisa said softly, taking a step away from Chaeyoung and bringing her hands to the waistband of her own pants. "But they are gone now. They are only dreams," she mumbled, shedding herself of her jeans and kicking them aside.

Chaeyoung had to stop herself from staring. Everything about the younger girl was just... perfect. She wished Lisa could realize that.

"I'm so fucking proud of you," Chaeyoung laughed softly and moved forwards, kissing Lisa's forehead. "You don't even know how amazing you really are."

Lisa blushed, looking up at Chaeyoung and smiling softly. "I love you," she whispered, standing on her tiptoes and kissing Chaeyoung's cheek. "I do."

"I love you," Chaeyoung laughed quietly, glancing over Lisa's shoulder and at the shower. "C'mon," she whispered, taking a step backwards and removing her own jeans. Lisa watched, unashamed.

Chaeyoung turned on the shower, allowing the water to warm up before shedding the rest of her clothes. After the initial uncomfortableness, she found herself completely at ease allowing Lisa to see her like this. She'd never felt this way around anyone else. It was a freeing feeling.

"Help," Lisa mumbled, awkwardly fumbling with the clasp on the back of her bra, which was the only piece of clothing she had left on besides her beanie. She huffed and let her hands fall to her sides in frustration.

"Hey," Chaeyoung shook her head. "Don't worry, these things are hard to work," she scooted behind Lisa and messed with the clasp for a few moments, laughing softly at her own struggle.

"There," she sighed once she finally got the clasp undone. Lisa shrugged the material off of her shoulders and turned around. Chaeyoung's breath caught in her throat when she suddenly realized that they were both completely uncovered.

It wasn't even in a sexual way. She was just completely in awe that Lisa was comfortable enough to do something like this around her. When they had first met, the younger girl would practically lock herself in the bathroom just to change her socks. It warmed Chaeyoung's heart knowing that Lisa had grown to be this comfortable with her.

"C'mon," the older girl whispered, gently removing Lisa's beanie and placing it on the counter. Taking Lisa's hand, Chaeyoung led the Thai girl over to the shower. She pulled the curtain aside, stepping into the bathtub and away from the stream of water.

Lisa suddenly grew nervous. She wasn't even sure why. This was just... different. She had never been this intimate with someone before. It was new, and she wasn't sure how she should take it. Chaeyoung grew concerned when see younger girl stood hesitantly in front of the bathtub.

"It's just a shower, Lili," Chaeyoung ran her thumb over the back of Lisa's palm, repeating the words that Lisa had said to her earlier. The younger girl took a shy step forwards, meeting Chaeyoung's eyes.

"It's me, Lisa," Chaeyoung whispered, grabbing Lisa's other hand and lacing their fingers together. "It's okay. I've got you," she gently pulled the younger girl forwards.

Lisa nodded softly and stepped into the bathtub, suddenly only inches away from Chaeyoung. She subtly studied the older girl's figure, biting her lip. She decided she liked being in love. It was a good feeling.

"You're still covered in flour," Chaeyoung giggled, placing her hands on Lisa's shoulders. She turned them around so the younger girl could back up into the stream of water.

"Is it warm enough?" Chaeyoung asked, bringing her hands up to smooth Lisa's hair out of her face. The younger girl nodded, leaning her head back slightly to keep the water out of her eyes.

Blue [Chaelisa]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें