..."I... can't! Can't... it's going to hurt me!" the brunette felt sharp claws on his skin and the saliva dripping from the beast's snarling mouth.

"You are the Savior... Order of Merlin First Class and all that rubbish," she snickered unashamedly, not even trying to give him a hand.

"Oh piss off!" Harry shouted and kicked the creature in its stomach.

He managed to get it away from himself and pry the driver's side door open. The doppelganger was now half-way out of the car...

...Something that felt like a small bird trapped in the cage and was trying its damnedest to get out and end this mad desire to tear and bite and shred everything around him.

Something made him aware of his surroundings: he looked at his fingers, broken fingernails with dried blood under them, sweater covered in dark-brown crust, worn-out jeans, muggle trainers, his cracked spectacles in one of the pockets. He was human, he was an eighteen-year-old lad... He was Harry. Harry Potter.

"Kevin..." he exhaled, looking at the terrified man in front of him. "Are you alright?... I must have scared you... what the hell happened?"

* * *

The door with two serpents was half-open, and there was nobody in the hallway, not even a house-elf to greet him. Draco lifted his wand and the wards let him in easily. The orphanage looked deserted. The walls once covered with colorful posters, children's drawings, and dozens of smiling photographs were now empty, showing only the yellowing wallpaper. The doors to various rooms and chambers were shut and there were no signs on them like before. The shoe-rack which usually was overflowing with Wellies and odd slippers was completely barren. Even the umbrella stand had only one clear plastic muggle brolly in it.

"Homenum revelio!" the Slytherin cast and saw a slight blue light lingering at the end of the hall.

Draco mowed towards it, holding his breath in anticipation of some inevitable danger coming from that part of the building. The spell was shining the strongest at the entrance to the headmistress office. And the knot in his stomach twisted even harder as he realized that the woman must have done something to Harry and probably Millie and Martha as well.

He was about to go inside the room that was glistening with a spell when he felt the whoosh of the wind from the open front door and someone was standing behind him. Draco turned around sharply and saw a disheveled female Auror. She was breathing heavily, her impeccable ponytail a mess, and her crimson uniform unbuttoned.

"Halt! DMLE! Don't you dare move, Malfoy!" the girl gritted, firmly holding a wand and pointing it right at his heart.

"Aren't you a bit zealous?" Draco exhaled lifting his hands to show that he was indeed unarmed. "The Aurors are forbidden to use lethal force at the apprehension... don't forget that..."

He realized that he probably needed to deescalate the situation, however, his bloody mouth just wasn't listening. Something was amusing in the way that female Auror was terrified of a big bad Death Eater who was just barely of age.

"What are you doing here... Are you involved in Potter's kidnapping?!" Amanda demanded in her annoyingly high-pitched voice.

"Potter was kidnapped?... Now that's news to me." he lifted an eyebrow, his mind started going a mile a minute at that very moment.

So he didn't come here on his own? He was abducted? How did that happen?

The Gryffindor had surveillance on him all the time after the incident at the greenhouses. How could the ministry fail that miserably? Now Draco just needed to get to that room before the girl did, to see if Harry was okay. He could feel the iron scent of blood in the air and prayed to all the gods in his mind that Millie was still there and looking after him.

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