Chapter 15: We're Not in Love

Start from the beginning

"Just because of a little bite? Grow up," Cicero threw a hoodie at him.

Zen caught the hoodie and threw it back at Cicero, "It left a mark," He frowned.

"Who caresss?" Cicero huffed as he struggled to close his closet after stuffing everything inside.

"Whatever, you idiot. Got any games?" Zen looked around with his hands in his pockets after repeatedly checking to see if his shoulder was showing.

"No," Cicero crossed his arms, "I'm broke," He deadpanned.

Zen gave him a 'really?' look before Cicero scratched his head.

"Actually, I do, but I kind of...don't want to play right now. Gotta tell you something," Cicero admitted.

"Yeah?" Zen stepped inside and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Okay, so, it might be out of the blue," Cicero sat down next to him, "I-"

Zen's phone rang.

The red head looked at the screen and was about to decline until he saw it was Omi calling.

"One sec," Zen said to Cicero with a apologetic double take and the green head nodded.

"Yes?" Zen answered.

"This is bad. This is bad. Zen! Where are you right now?!"

The red head stood up immediately after he heard the unnerving voice, "I'm at Cicero's. What the fuck? What's going on?"

"I'll explain when you guy get here! We're at R.F.L," Omi quickly before the line went silent as the phone call ended.

"What was that?" Cicero stood up and looked up at Zen.

"Apparently some shit happened and it's bad news. Let's tell your mom we're going to the donut shop," Zen explained as he walked out with Cicero. The green head nodded, understanding and quickly getting the task done.

Once they went outside, they began running towards the donut shop. It wasn't as close as Zen's house was to it, so the journey got them panting, but it still didn't stop them from dashing all the way to the shop.

Zen hastily dashed inside without taking a break to catch his breath, Cicero following behind him. He wasn't  prepared for the sight of a badly injured Rehan, Kazuo and a guy he didn't know.

"What happened?" Zen set his phone on a random table and extended his arms in confusion.

Cicero felt his breath get stuck in his lungs when he saw Rehan, "Dude!" Cicero ran up to him and his green eyes scanned him in worry.

"Who did this?"

He was unable to speak even though he wanted to. Rehan looked up weakly with his hazel eyes, a few seconds and Cicero knew he shouldn't be surprised if Rehan needed time. Under his eyes were dried tears, but most importantly his cheeks were bruised, as if someone punched him. His hair was in a mess, an outcome of struggling against a harsh grip and continuous dragging or beating. The frail boy shook his head slowly and it looked like he just needed comfort and contact.

Cicero leaned in and carefully wrapped his arms arounnd him, Rehan immediately snuggled into the touch and his face in the crook of his friend while returning the hug by embracing his shoulders tightly. It seemed like he needed that hug and no one gave it to him. Five to four seconds and Rehan was crying into his neck. It sounded like he was trying to hold it in so he wouldn't make a mess.

He breathed harshly and soon, the green head felt his neck become wet from his tears. Rehan sniffed brokenly and then cried. His hands shook as he gripped harder on Cicero's jacket to which the said boy did not mind. He just waited patiently and gave him all the comfort.

Zen watched silently and walked over to Kazuo and the other unknown person, "This is the first time I see you guys. Are you friends with blondie?" Zen watched them with uninterested eyes.

Kou raised a brow, his hand holding his side where he's been badly hurt, "Rehan? No, we're not, but we've made company," He explained.

The raven head lifted his head from looking down on the floor, guilt visible all over his face. He glanced at Rehan before looking at Zen, "We don't have any time to explain anything, so either his sister hurries back here or he calls Jiryu," The red eyed boy spoke in an annoyed manner as he stood up from the place he's been lost in deep thought the whole time.

Kou stood up as well, "I guess we can just leave you guys with him in the mean time. We're in a hurry and quite busy," He admitted and Zen only nodded, dismissing them.

He thought it was such an asshole move, not knowing that they've got a job to go back to. Zen then went to the Cicero who was trying to cheer up Rehan and only getting small laughs in return.

The blond sniffed, "I can't laugh. I-It hurts," He chuckled.

"Okay then," Cicero smiled while sitting in the position that you spread your legs in. He looked down for a moment before noticing Zen's shoes and looking up.

"So, who beat you up?" Zen crouched down to take a good look at Rehan's face. He wasn't skilled at professional fighting or boxing, but he knew how to land a good punch or beat someone until they can't move, so figured he'll probably know what the type of hit or person Rehan took.

The ash blond looked eye level to the red head because he was crouching and quickly slid them to the floor since he wasn't good with eye contact and Zen was intensely staring and looking all over his face.

"Shit, who would do this?"

Rehan watched Zen speak calmly, but anger evident on his words. The red head took one last look before he stood up, an angry smile on his face. He bit his lip before hissing, "It wasn't one person who do this, right?" Zen asked, but it seemed like he came to a final conclusion.

Rehan looked shocked to say the least, "Y-yeah," He answered quietly.

He couldn't see Zen grip his hair and pull it backwards, as if trying to control the sudden anger that came over him. Cicero who was watching, knew that look too well. Zen was mad.

His crazy imperial eyes looked at Rehan, "Where and who?" He spoke tauntingly.

"C-can we wait f-for Fay? She's c-coming," Rehan seemed to be stuttering more that usual.

Zen scoffed, "Where is she anyway?!"

Rehan flinched and realized it wasn't aimed towards him.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," Zen let his hand fall from his head, feeling like he was gripping it too hardly.

Cicero looked up at Zen. He wasn't any better, but was doing a better job at hiding it or was silently mad. He had his hands clasped together and was looking down on the floor in deep thought. He twiddled with his thumbs occasionally and once his gaze met Zen, they both knew one thing:

They were going to get in a serious fight.


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