"Neville here has been making a move at Miss Lovegood if I am not mistaken?" Seamus teased.

"We're good friends... That's all," Neville babbled, looking uncomfortable.

"It looks like me and Seamus are the only single men in here..." Thomas said.

"Hey speak for yourself, I've managed to get quite familiar with what's under Parvati's robes," the Irish winked.

"Oh for the love of Merlin... do you have to make it sound so vulgar?" Harry groaned he wasn't sure he would be able to discuss his abysmal sex life with his dorm-mates.

"You have no problem there, hey Harry." Dean sniggered. "I saw that hickey you got the other night!"

Fear crept up his spine... What if somebody from Gryffindor noticed them. He couldn't go Obliviating half the school because he didn't know how to act around Malfoy without it resulting in some completely insane behavior.

"Hey, lads! It's my sister you're badmouthing!" Ron protested.

"I am going to bed..." Harry stood up not willing to continue this discussion any further.

"Don't forget to use the silencing charm!" Seamus shouted his way and a roar of laughter erupted behind him.

He didn't know exactly why all this lad-talk made him so queasy. Maybe because he was the least experienced out of the people he knew. Of course, they might have fudged on that a bit, but at least they didn't have a full-blown sexuality crisis Harry was experiencing. He was never smooth with girls and whenever he fooled around with Ginny it never got far enough. So far the only decent sexual encounter he had had was with Malfoy under the influence of a potion, and it was another can of worms altogether. He was afraid that it made him somehow too weird even for the wizarding society.

"Did you do it though?" Ron woke him up in the middle of the night looking a bit green.

"Do what?.." Harry mumbled sleepily.

"Did you and Ginny... er, did you shag?"

"Ron! Why are you... asking such questions? It is a bit creepy, don't you think!" he wanted to hide under the covers just to avoid this conversation.

"Well I am your best mate..." the ginger explained. "Mates discuss stuff like that."

"I don't feel like talking about it, okay?" Harry replied defensively.

"I dunno if your muggles ever had the talk... but it's not so different in the wizarding world, I suppose," his best friend continued.

"Brilliant! Good to know..." the dark-haired boy said sarcastically. "Now can we please stop talking about it..."

"Suit yourself, Harry. But you know it's okay if you do... I am not going to punch you in the face or something," Ron mumbled and finally turned away to sleep.

Harry's back was hurting and his knees were sore from scrubbing the floor like a house-elf. He was serving detention at Slughorn's that week. He had to clean the spilled potions after the second-year class and it was an arduous task. A couple of cauldrons had exploded leaving nasty goop everywhere and the Vanishing charm wasn't effective enough so the rest he had to wash by hand. It had eerily reminded Harry of him slaving away in Aunt Petunia's kitchen.

"You look fetching like that, Potter," a familiar voice drawled.

"Oh, sod off, will you," the Gryffindor replied, getting up from the floor. "Came to nick Slughorn's ingredients again? He is a stingy git... might notice if something had gone missing."

"Well, it is a risk I am willing to take," Malfoy sighed melodramatically.

"You should go easy on the potions there... That stuff you've been taking is properly dangerous," Harry was concerned.

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