• Q&A + Catch-up Answers

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Note: If you have any questions you'd like to ask that were not featured below (especially in light of the previous chapter hehe), leave them below and ask it in an in-line comment by the character the question is for You can also ask questions to characters not listed below (refer to the Ask chapter before "Peach🍑" (I didn't include them all here since not all of them had questions submit for them)
updated on 11/11/2021 (make a wish, besties 💫)
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Note: If you have any questions you'd like to ask that were not featured below (especially in light of the previous chapter hehe), leave them below and ask it in an in-line comment by the character the question is for •  You can also ask questions...

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Q: tbh, I just want to read the CHARSTIN wedding, is the only thing im asking jajjajajaj.

A: Well, by now, you should have more insight into this one 😎 It's on the horizon. P.S. I want that too.



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A: Locked and loaded

Q: what do you think about those lustin/jelena/jailey shippers in your comments (especially the rude ones)?

A: Short answer: I think they're wasting their time focusing on my life instead of their own lives. Long answer: I see it, but I don't let it get to me. I know my truth. I know my relationships. What they say doesn't have any weight on it. They don't know all the facts, and sending out more hate in response to hate doesn't solve anything. I ignore it and focus on those who genuinely love me and genuinely care about me. I put my faith in God's path for me and know that their hate won't change that.

Q: Can u please explain to me what it's like to actually be in love? Also love you☺️ and hi (I'm a lil awkies😅)

A: Hey there. [waves] Thanks for the love. Love you too! Your question is a bit hard to answer shortly. But I can tell you this. Being in love is not like in the movies. When you truly love someone, you choose to love them and to do so forever. But the kicker is, is not difficult. You choose them every time despite their flaws, despite the hard times. Being in love is finding someone who complements you as well as encourages you to be your best self. It's not about always being happy and needing them around you at all times. It's about still feeling as loved and secure with them even when you can't be together physically. Yes, there's the fuzzy feeling, the infatuation. But for me, it's about being so entirely infatuated with who they are as a person. I think being in love, and when it's with your forever person, it's about compromise, care, understanding and unconditional love. That being said, I'm so insanely in love and even though we're realistic, the romance seems so easy and effortless. And sometimes she still leaves me in awe at how amazing she is. She never fails to make me smile.

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