11x1 - The Loyalty in the Lie

Start from the beginning

Aubrey-"Or me. •sighs• So what the hell... were you up to, Booth?"

*Aubrey stares at a picture of him and Booth he has on the wall🥺*

*Angela, Hodgins And Cam building the victims face on her computer program*
*Picture does end up kinda looking like Booth but I don't see it*

H-"Oh, my, God, that-that's Booth."

Angela-"I don't understand this. Why would he put himself in harm's way, especially after everything he and Brennan had been through?"

Hodgins-"We don't know what happened, exactly. We just deal with the concept of him being dead."

Brennan runs in-"It's not Booth."

*Angela, Hodgins And Cam stare at her unconvinced + confused*

Brennan-"It's not Booth."


Brennan-"I know you think I'm being delusional, but.... I have proof."

*Brennan goes back to the bones and the team hesitantly follow her*
*Brennan explains as the team surround the exam table with the bones*

Brennan-"Booth was in a firefight a year and a half ago."

Arastoo-"And this body is riddled with bullet wounds. There are so many fractures, you can't tell what's a bullet wound and what isn't."

Brennan-"Yes. It takes a lot of experience to do so."

Cam-"Are you sure this isn't Booth?"

Brennan-"This is where a bullet passed through Booth's body, breaking off a portion of the rib bone."

Arastoo-"It's fractured, it's consistent. I-It's in my notes."

Brennan-"When the bullet exited Booth's body, a small portion of his left scapula was carried along with it."

Arastoo-"The scapula is intact."

Cam happy-"He's alive."

*Team all happy + relieved*

Brennan to Cam-"I hope this isn't indicative of how you've been running the Jeffersonian in my absence."

Arastoo-"This was my oversight, not Dr. Saroyan's. I understand that you're angry and..."

Brennan-"You told me my husband is dead. Angry doesn't begin to cover it."

Arastoo-"I'm sorry."

Bre-"There's no time for that. We still don't know who this is or how he died."

Arastoo-"And we'll figure that out."

Brennan-"Yes, we will."

Cam-"Dr. Brennan...."

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