Into the Chamber

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It was a few days later when we ended up in a battle for our lives... again

Hermione was petrified, and the boys had gone into the Forbidden Forest and met a bunch of Acromantulas. ACROMANTULAS!!!! IN OTHER WORDS GIANT SPIDERS!

Needless to say, I ranted for about a half hour while they just let me calm down.

So we were in the hall with Hermione's clue: telling us it was a Basilisk, when we saw the teachers surrounding the wall where Mrs. Norris was attacked. I smelled Ginny and my heart skipped.

"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber Forever." one teacher read.

"Ginny Weasley." another answered, confirming my fears. Ron gasped. I put a hand on my red-haired friend's shoulder.

"Lets go." Harry said and we raced after Lockhart. the idiot was appointed to save Ginny. No was was I letting that imbicile save my little sister! My pack-mate!

"Professor!" They called, running into his office. I stopped outside. I scented the serpent thing. I sighed. this was jacked up. They came out with Lockhart.


"He faked everything. And was trying to run." ron growled. I walked up and I slapped him across the face.

"that was for trying to run out on my friend. come on guys. We have to hurry." I said. We ran into Myrtle's bathroom.

"Hello." I greeted. I scented Ginny and it ended at the sink.

"The enterance is here. she went through here." i said urgently. They looked at the sink.

"open" Harry and I said at once.


"Only a few words fluently. My brother was better at it than me. we learn a bunch of other languages." I explained. We all jumped down the hole, me landing softly.

"This thing is bigger than I thought." I said, examining the snakeskin.

"Its a basilisk, so if we look at it it'll kill us. Great. Stay close." I said, taking charge. Lockhart grabbed Ron's wand.

"OBLIVIATE!" He yelled at Harry. Ron's broken wand backfired and hit him in the face. He flew back and hit the roof.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled, as the cieling collapsed. Ron and Lockhart were on the other side of a wall of rock.

"Open it up for us to come back. We'll keep going." I called. ron's muffled reply gave us the signal to keep going.

"Savanna, you seem really protective of us. why?" he asked, our wands providing light.

"Well, you're my pack now. I want to protect you. And i lost my pack once already. can't do it again. I just can't." I sighed.

"Remember what you told me about my parents?" he asked.


"Remember it." he said. I laughed. We saw the chamber.

"open" he said. It opened up and I saw Ginny. We both ran over, Harry dropping his wand.

"Ginny. Ginny!" he called. I looked around, Ember and I alert.

"She's so cold." he murrmured. I felt her pulse.

"Her pulse is way too weak. She won't last much longer." she said. The diary lay nearbye, and a boy stepped out.

"Tom! how?" harry said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm a memory, preserved in a diary. And when Ginny is gone, I will be back." he said, revealing he was Voldemort. I crouched near Ginny as Harry atarted fighting the Basilisk. I grabbed her and pulled her to a corner of the Chamber.

"Gin! Ginny!" I called, shaing her. I shifted and pressed my fur against her freezing form, trying in vain to keep her warm.

"Hurry Harry." I thought. Fawks and the Sorting hat came, and Fawks destroyed the Basilisk's eyes. blinded, Harry managed to stab the basilisk, but was injured by one of the fangs. I shifted back, bounding over and yanking out the fang. I saw the diary and plunged the fang into it. Tom screamed as ink flowed out of the book like blood. Then he was gone.

"Harry, you're hurt!" I exclaimed, as he began to black out.

"Harry! Harry don't you black out on me. Don't you dare. Look at me! Focus on me!" I yelled. He fixed his emerald green eyes on me. His gaze was unfocused, his eyes trying to close.

Fawks came over and cried on his arm. His tears healed the venom in Harry's system,or at least made it dormant.

"You're ok!" Ginny said, running over. I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Ginny! Are you ok?" I asked. she nodded. I shifted and the two climbed onto my back. I carried them to where Ron was, where Fawks took us back up to the castle. Molly hugged Harry, Ron, and I.

"You saved her! You saved her!" was all she could say. I hugged her.

"Thats what Pack-mates do." I said, hugged Ginny with one arm.

At the end of term feast, Gryffindor won again!!!!! Hermione opened the Hall doors.

"Hermione!" Harry, ron, and I said, running over. She hugged us.

"Hey guys!" she said, hugging me and Harry then awkwardly shaking hands with Ron while they both blushed furiously.

They are so going to get together someday.

I went to stay with Hermione over the summer. She was going to France! And they were bringing me with them! I was so exited, though we weren't leaving for a week.

Goodbye for now, Hogwarts. Goodbye Hagrid and thestrals and pranks with the twins. Goodbye fests and magic.

Until next year, at least.

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