Chapter 31: The Power Of Worms

Start from the beginning

I have to keep dying so Yin might live.

"Let's go. I'm okay now. I'll protect you. I'll always protect you. I promise...!"

A few tears drip from my eyes as I realize keeping one promise is breaking another.

"Sorry Suzy...I don't think I'm going to be able to come back for a while. I might even be a liar. I messed up." I whisper to a girl who doesn't even know me in this life. Yin and the orange cat stare at me strangely as we begin the death march once more. Though they're right in front of me, it still feels like I'm utterly alone. Because only I know. The one person I could confide in, even a little, is just a stranger from my memories. Even still, I call out to her in my darkest moment, asking for strength, "I wish you were here..."

But even if you were, you could only die with me.
















"Hurk!" My bile catches in my throat.

It's horrible. Killing so many people over again. You'd think I can't taste my bile any more, God knows I can't taste anything else. But when I vomit, it still feels horrible. I can't handle this. I want to...

Give up?

And let Yin die?

Yea right.

I'd do it again.

Every last soul.

Maybe more.

All the Hunters in Tiendas City die before my hunt ends once more.

I go back to that rooftop.

Hunters Remaining: 3

The one pretending to be a human is waiting there with Yin and Penelope.

I act out my part in the play knowing exactly how it will end.

We're struggling in the hands of a System God. Nothing I do matters. I'll just have to do it again. But I don't care. I won't let him win.



"Oh you, are interesting, aren't you? But a worm is just a worm."


Again, I find myself dead twice on that rooftop. The pain is horrible. But it feels good. It feels like victory.

"D-Don't go...I love you!"



Again I wake up outside the city. This time it takes me less time to gather myself.

This is just a game. That's all. I've done this before. I'll do it again.


"Let's go."




I'm beginning to remember some of their faces.

This is the third time I've come to kill them after all.

It's all so sick. Disgusting and sick.

I throw up over and over, the ginger cat meowing in concern on my neck.

Now that I think about it, this little bugger always seems to disappear before the System God shows up. Where does it go?


"Oh, you are, interesting, aren't you? But a worm is just a worm."


"D-Don't go...I love you!"



I'm back.

"Let's go."


It's just a game, Hei. How many times have we done this?



God, I hate seeing your faces. And I hate killing you. But I I'm sorry.


"Oh, you are interesting, aren't you? But a worm is just a worm."


"D-Don't go...I love you!"



I'm back. Oh god I don't want to do this.

It's just a game. Just a game. None of this matters. It's going to get reset.

Then why am I doing it?

"Let's go."




I hate this. I hate all of you. How is it?

Do you enjoy dying by my hand?


"Oh you, are interesting, aren't you? But a worm is just a worm."



Just a game.





"Just a worm."



Do you see it? The power of worms?

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