Chapter 11 - Soren

Start from the beginning

Lacie leaves soon after our encounter with the others, but I stay for about an hour before heading back to my suite.

As I climb down the stairs, I can hear two female voices below me in the stairwell.

"You need to take care of yourself, Angelica," a girl's voice says. "I think you're making yourself a target."

I recognize that name - it must be Nia and Dalia's District partner, Angelica.

"I know, I just feel like Leon brings out the worst in me. I need to hold myself back, I can't get on the bad side of the Gamemakers," Angelica says.

I can't help but eavesdrop, intrigued. I wasn't aware Angelica and Leon were feuding.

The other girl speaks. It must be the District 8 girl who I always see with Angelica - Saylee. "Right, save it for the Arena. We have to lay low until we can get out into the Arena."

The footsteps stop. "This is Floor 8," Angelica says.

"I can read numbers, you dimwit!"

The girls laugh as a door closes. I quickly start to descend the stairs to make it look like I wasn't listening. Angelica is probably climbing the stairs to Floor 11 right now.

I pass Angelica soon after. I offer a small smile, and she just looks at me suspiciously. Ignoring her, I head down to my room.


It's the last day of Training. My Individual Assessment is today, and I'm nervous. Today seems a bit different - everyone seems more on-edge.

I head over to the knife station with Robin, handing him two sharp knives. Today, I'm going to show him how to throw them properly.

I pore over the other knives, choosing a few more good ones that I can practice with myself.

As I look over the knives, Victoria approaches the table next to me. I smile at her and move over to give her some room to look.

It takes a moment for me to realize she's talking to me, as she stares down at the knives rather than at me. "Don't think I've forgotten what you did with Robin yesterday. That stunt you pulled."

My heart drops. I wasn't thinking at the time, but I may have made myself a target to the Careers by stealing their ally.

"Just remember that you won't be the favorite forever," she continues. "The Capitol may love you because you're Roman's brother, but in the Arena, they'll see who the real champions are. I've been training my whole life for this; I can easily rip you into shreds. Next time think before you mess with us."

I nod a bit, nervously grabbing another knife as Victoria turns and storms away.

After my encounter with Victoria, I slowly walk to the knife-throwing station. Robin is at one target, and next to him at the other two are a few other tributes. I vaguely recognize them, even though we haven't talked. At one target is Jordan, a tall boy from District 7, along with Rose, a girl from District 8. Next to them is Jordan's District partner, Kala, who is with Greta, a girl from District 9. The two District 7 tributes teach the girls how to throw axes. I think the four of them are allied with Maisy, who's the girl I saw on the roof.

Greta rears back and throws an ax, landing midway from the bullseye to the edge of the target. Kala cheers, giving Greta a small hug in celebration.

"I'm basically District 7 now!" Greta says with a laugh.

"Getting there," Kala chuckles. "Hey, Jordan, where did you find those silver ones?"

Breaking from my thoughts, I finally stop eavesdropping and turn to Robin, who is busy throwing knives. He's doing pretty well - most of them have hit the target.

Suddenly, I realize the group behind me has gone silent. Turning, I see them frozen in fascinated horror, staring across the room.

It's Angelica and Leon. The two are talking heatedly, on the verge of fighting each other.

Angelica lunges, trying to grab Leon's knife. The knife is flung across the room, where Lacie and Dalia have to duck to avoid it. Leon grabs Angelica's shirt, flinging her to the ground. He throws punches at her as she balls up on the ground.

Angelica's words from last night come back to me.

"I need to hold myself back, I can't get on the bad side of the Gamemakers..."

So much for that. Breaking into stride, I run to the two tributes.

"Hey!" I shout at the guards, getting their attention. Robin runs closely behind me, as does Saylee, the girl who I think is allied with Angelica.

Robin and I work to pull Leon off of Angelica, while Saylee tends to her injuries. Armed guards drag Leon out of the Training Center as he screams profanities at Angelica. Medics arrive soon after, transporting Angelica away on a stretcher. Saylee offers us a short "thank you" before she accompanies the group to the infirmary.


A long chapter filled with lots of drama! How do we feel?

I know it might be confusing to remember all of the tributes. A tribute list will be coming soon, I promise. Some of the tributes aren't main characters and will die early on, and that's okay.

We've met quite a few tributes so far! Who are your favorites so far? I know there are lots to choose from :)


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