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"It's for the best... all they do is cause pain Aphy," Jeremy says and I shake my head... "I... I need to think" I said as he sighed and walked away... I dialed Kol as I continued packing...

"You okay?" he asked "Esther planned your death Kol... you and your brothers," I said and it was silence before he spoke again... "Stay where you are and don't leave... I'll tell Elijah he'll know what to do," he said as he hung up on me...

What was I going to do?

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I spent all day in my old bedroom waiting for Kol's call... I was worried I was scared, were they alive?

"Aphy?!" I heard as I walked down the stairs to see Elena and I glare at her... "You're okay," she said relieved... "Are they dead?" I asked and she looked at me with guilt

"Look just listen to me alright," She said and I shook my head as I felt my phone vibrate... it was Kol and I felt instant relief

"No... you don't need to I'm leaving" I said and she looked confused... "Why do you love them so much?!" she yelled and I sighed... "That's where you're going right? To Elijah and Klaus!" she yells and I sigh

"You don't get to do that Elena... not when you loved both Stefan and Damon, you love Damon now don't you? So I won't argue with you Elena... you love a vampire as well do I... I love two but you don't get to justify my actions for it! You're human! I'm not so leave me alone" I yelled as I walked past her and dialed Kol's number again...

"Are you okay?" was the first thing I asked as he answered "Yes, succubus I'm alive... and so are your lovers if you've changed your mind?" he asked and I took a deep breath...

"No... I have to go and say goodbye to Mystic Falls" I said and he sighed "Then I'm coming with you" he said but before I could question him he hung up on me...

All of a sudden a car stopped in front of my old home... I see Kol with a sad smile... I look behind me once more to the home I grew up in

I sighed and I faced Kol and smiled "Ready?" I asked and he suddenly appeared beside me to help me with my luggage... "So want to explain to me this situation of yours succubus?" he asks as he starts our drive...

"I come from the Arlott family and I was banished but I was recently given the opportunity to be uplifted from my acts against them," I said and he looked confused... "It's the reason I was reincarnated... I never had children and I left my family meaning the Arlott name ended with me with exception of passing it down to an innocent woman..." I said and he nods

"So you're supposed to continue the legacy?" he asked and I chuckled and nodded "Yeah actually... Esther she... she gave me a drink yesterday that made me feel under my own spell, I felt lustful and all I wanted was to be with Elijah and Niklaus and... I woke up the next morning confused that's when I fainted on you" I said and he nods telling me to continue

"It didn't only manipulate my feelings... It was a fertility enhancement as well as her experiment for Elijah to impregnate me" I said and he was confused again "Vampires can't procreate" he said and I nodded 

"You're right... but werewolves can" I said and he suddenly pulls the brakes as we stopped so suddenly making my heart beat faster as the sudden stop terrified me "CAREFUL!" I yelled and he looked at me with conflict 

"You're pregnant?" he asks and I sigh "I don't even know okay! Apparently, that stupid drink was going to guarantee it..." I yelled but then muttered as tears fell...

"I'm taking you back" he mutters "No, please... think about it, I can't stay here do you really think Niklaus or Elijah are fit to be parents? Nik he... he has too many enemies and Elijah he... he would want to help Nik anymore and..." I couldn't finish my sentence as I sobbed

"They're always around danger" he mutters and sighs "And what's the plan? We go to England then what?" he questions and I smile... "Well... you've never seen where I used to live when I was human... the place was enchanted when Haily was alive, for only someone with Arlott blood can find it," I said and he nodded

"But why would we go there?" he asks and I smile... "There are hundreds of books on spells... I would be able to practice and teach them..." I said and he nods "I feel like you're hiding something else..." he says making me laugh as he starts driving to the airport again...

"Well... you can see the past Arlott's there, I'd be able to get help," I said and he nods "It doesn't sound like too bad of a plan" he praises and I nod...

"I'm going to be an uncle?" he asks himself as we laugh... "It's not official yet," I said and he shakes his head "It's official to me already," he said as he seemed happy about the news...

"Rebekah would love them," he said and I sighed "Not now... I can't tell anyone else, I had only told you and Jeremy" I confessed and he truly did look nervous... "Why do you look like that?" I ask and he chuckles...

"I'm just curious about the child... what would it be?" he asked and I didn't know the answer... "Surely a mixture of the three of you right?" he asked and I nodded... "They'd for sure be a hybrid of both my genes but, would it share theirs's as well?" I asked 

"Another question we'll just have to ask, succubus"

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How do you think this will turn out?


EnchantedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora