"Anyone? Come out! I'll not punish you!"

His torch caught Neon. She hid her face in her hands as she came out.

"Show your face! Who are you?" Asked the man angrily.

"Hey you! You can't harass a girl in the night. I am very shy to show my beautiful face." she replied.

"You know who I am?" he asked.

"No." she answered with her hands still on her face.

"I am the vice principal." he answered.

"You know who I am?" she asked back.


"Dashi run run run!" she said and run off climbing over the teacher's table.

"Hell no! Not again!" he groaned. "Naughty kids!"

Juliet was constantly coughing.

"Hey... are you okay?" Taehyung asked concernly.

"Yeah *cough* I am *cough* okay." Her nose and eyes turned red due to coughing constantly.

"You are not at all okay. You do one thing. You wait, here, I am coming in a minute." Taehyung patted her head as he slowly made his way out of the room.

He peeked out of the room and found the corridor empty.

"Phew." he said an started to walk when his collar was held from back. His eyes widened.

"Where are you going?" he came back to normal senses after hearing the voice.

"You scared me Jimin-ah!" he heaved a heavy breathe. "To bring my bag."

"Where's Juliet?" Jungkook asked.

"She's is in this room." he pointed to the room. "And where's Neon?"

"She separated from us." Jimin shrugged.

"Now, I hope that girl doesn't cause trouble." Taehyung rolled his eyes knowing her very well.

"We are already in a trouble." Jungkook shrugged.

"Kk, I am in a hurry. Take care of Juliet, she got her allergy." he said and ran to the rooftop.

He made his way to his bag safely and slid it on his shoulder climbing down the stairs.

"Where are you going pretty boy?" a man asked emerging in the corridor. The moment he was going to turn the torch to his face, Tae hid his face with the bag. "Are you all gonna tell me who you all are and why you came here or do I have to make you spill that?"

He slowly peeked through out. "Sir... behind you..." he said.

"I am not going to get fooled again, smart boys." he smirked.

"Sir! Behind you!" Tae panicked trying his best.

"You come down!" he yelled.

"You really should have looked behind you this time." Jungkook said as he kicked the man's ass and ran off. The vice principal got back on his knees and started chasing Jungkook. Meanwhile Taehyung to escaped.

Taehyung reached the room where Juliet was and hurriedly took out the water bottle from his bag and handed her.

She chugged down the water. "Thanks.."

Jimin was rubbing her back. "Feeling alright now?"

"A bit *cough*"

"Listen, we need to get out of the school campus." Taehyung said.

Neon entered the class panting hard. "We can't, gate is locked and if we climb... we will be spotted." she said.

"What should we do now?" Jimin asked.

"Play hide and *cough* seek." Juliet made a straight face.

After a minute of silence, Taehyung spoke. "We need to help Jungkook first! I totally forgot about him! Vice princy is chasing after him."

"I have an idea, give your phone, Juliet." Neon asked. "Sorry but you might have to discard your SIM later."

She handed her the phone not all having problem with her terms and condition. Neon dialled up the school's office number.

As Jungkook was running suddenly a phone ringing sound was hear. Of course it is audible from the ground floor. It is dead silent night, with no students.

"Hey you boy!" the man yelled.

"The office phone is ringing, first pick it up. I am staying here. Promise." Jungkook said.

"You think I am a fool?" he asked.

"Of course I do." Jungkook nodded.

As he needs to pick up the call, which is more urgent than these stuffs so he left him there and ran down to the office.

He picked up the call and Neon from the other side handed it to Taehyung. "Hello?"

Taehyung being instantly ready, deepened his already deep voice. "Hmm. Mr. Kang?"

"Yes, I am."

"I want you to be aware of something. You have to stay more cautious." Tae said.

"Wh-why? Wh-what happened?"

"You can be dead anytime..."Taehyung seriously spoke.

"Wh-what are you sa-saying?" He became nervous.

"Don't use staircases. Especially." Taehyung said. He was talking with him when Jungkook arrived in the room.

"Why? What is the problem in using staircases?" He asked blankly.

They slowly made their way out of the room together. "There is danger. Waiting for you." Taehyung said in the call as all of them continued to walk out sneakily.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am someone who is helping you. Respect me." Taehyung said as they reached the ground-floor, without any noise. "Wait a second, another call is coming." Tae lied.

"Okay." He said as Tae kept the call on hold.

They made their way out of the school building, without letting the vice principal know.

"Hmm. So as I was telling, you have danger awaiting for you, so don't use staircases." Taehyung said sounding sincere again.

Jimin, Jungkook, Juliet and Neon climbed up the gate and reached the other side.

"Hello? Hello?" Mr. Kang tried to find the Tae's voice as he wasn't talking. He was climbing up the gate.

"Yes, don't panic. I know what you have to do." Tae said as he landed on the other side.

"What sir? Please tell me!" Mr. Kang begged.

"Don't use the staircase you know." He said and was going to hang up but heard the other side begging to know why.

He put the phone on his ears again and said. "You are old. You might get hurt while using staircase in a hurry. You might fall down. So use lift. Don't break your bones at this age." He said and hung up.
Taehyung winked at his friends.

They all laughed as they ran heading towards their home.


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