(ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ᴏɴᴇ) ᴛᴜᴇsᴅᴀʏ

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hey flowers~ so i didn't do that much rereading to make sure there weren't much mistakes, but i hope you enjoy!


Shoyo's POV

   I woke up to my alarm and thought "oh shit. i'm alive today."  I grabbed my phone, hissed at the brightness and checked my schedule for today.



5:00 am~ wake up
5:30 am~ start doing breakfast
7:00 am~ serve breakfast
7:40 am~ breakfast ends and clean up
8:00 am~ managers finish cleaning and get changed into manager outfit
8:10-8:30 am~ prepare gym for practice matches and any extra stuff
8:35-8:55 am~ help team prepare for match
9:00 am-12:00 pm~ practice matches
12:00-12:10 pm~ clean up a bit and change
12:15 pm~ start on lunch
12:50~ serve lunch
1:35 pm~ lunch ends and clean up
1:50 pm~ change back into manager outfit and head to gym to prepare for practice matches
2:00-5:00 pm~ practice matches
5:10-8:30 pm~ free time
8:40 pm~ start on dinner
9:50 pm~ serve dinner
10:45 pm~ dinner officially ends and clean up
11:30~ lights out
practice matches(morning)
9-10~ karasuno(managing) vs. nohebi
10-11~ johzenji(managing) vs. itachiyama+kamomedai
11-12~ nekoma(managing) vs. inarizaki
practice matches(afternoon)
2-3~ shiratorizawa(managing) vs. johzenji
3-4~ date tech(managing) vs. aoba johsai
4-5~ fukurodani(managing) vs. itachiyama+kamomedai


   "Holy shit. These hoes have my day more organized than my entire life. What the hell. Can they plan out my life like this?" I muttered out. It was currently 5:10 so I decided to go take a shower and do my morning routine. I chose my outfit that I would wear when I don't have my manager outfit on and threw that on.

his outfit

   I grabbed my phone and checked the time

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   I grabbed my phone and checked the time. "5:23? shoyo you are amazing. you finally did something in the right timeframe for once in your life." I continued to insult myself in my head as I headed to the cafeteria.

   When I got there, the kitchen light was on. "huh? none of the managers should be up yet.." I headed to the kitchen. "Hello?"

Karasuno's ManagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora