ᴅᴀɪʜɪɴᴀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ~

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someone look at this picture and tell me it isnt adorable😫😭


hey flowers~ i would like to bring attention to the fact that i fell asleep three times while making this due to the fact that i don't sleep at night😭✋ lol anyways enjoy


|Monday Morning|
Daichi's POV

   Everyone was here but Shoyo. "Hey, does anyone know where Shoyo is?" I asked. Everyone said no and just as I was about to text him the gym door slammed open.

   "GOMEN GOMEN GOMENN!! I didn't mean to open the door the hard," he said apologizing. "It's ok, kiddo. Just come on and observe the team so we can start practice," said Coach. "HAI!" he replied.

   Then as he started walking to the bench, I saw him limping. I snapped my head so fast at Ennoshita, I'm surprised I don't have whiplash. "Ennoshita," I started in a deadly tone. "Y-yes, Daichi-san?" he said with a sweat drop. I walked towards him and said, "What did you do to Shoyo yesterday? And answer truthfully. I saw him limping," I said causing everyone to turn to us.

   "U-uhhh w-we wer-" Ennoshita got cut off by Shoyo shouting and walking to us while slightly limping. "GUYS! Why'd you stop? What's going on?" he questioned. "MY BABYY!! DID SOMETHING HAPPEN TO YOU?!? DAICHI SAID YOU'RE LIMPING!!" shouted Suga as he pulled Shoyo into a hug. "U-uhm, you can ask Ennoshita about that one. Hehe~ BUT FIRST START PRACTICE! Or else you guys don't want me to help you guys improve..." said Shoyo pulling away from Suga. We all glared at Ennoshita, but then started practice.

"I hope he's ok by tomorrow for our date."

(A/N: so basically the reason why sho's helping them improve is because he's like a god at volleyball. so yeah. i hope that made sense😅)

|Tuesday Morning|
Shoyo's POV

   *beep beep beep* *beep beep beep* *bee- "Yo shut up, I'm up, I'm up. Jeez," I yelled at my phone while aggressively tapping it to turn the damned alarm off. I sighed as I got up. "who am i going on a date with today? oh right~ dai-chan. he got super mad at Chika-chan yesterday when i told him why i was limping. that was hilarious. in the groupchat he said that he was taking me to see a movie and to the mall. that's fun," I continue having a conversation with myself as I put my uniform on and continued with my morning routine.

   I grabbed all my stuff and went downstairs. Where Mama, Mom, and Natsu. "Ohayo," I said to the group of people and I got goodmornings back. Where's Zuki?" I asked. "She went to school already because her friend wanted her to pick them up," said Mama. "Ah, Alright. Well, I'm gonna go now. I'll he home at 9. Also, PLEASE don't torture Dai-chan when he drops me off. I'm tired of embarrassing myself by apologizing," I asked- no begged the two women I call my parents.

   "Hai, hai~ We won't embarrass you anymore. Happy?" "Very. Thanks Mom. Love you guys, bye," I said as I walked to the door and put on my shoes. I got the 'goodbye's and 'I love you too's from my family and I went to my car. "*sigh* i hope today is a regular, good day," I thought as I drove off to school.

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