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3rd Person

   Shoyo stood outside of Fukurodani's door and knocked on it. Konoha answered it and saw the ginger standing there. "Uh, hey! I'm here to mingle with you guys for a bit, if that's ok?" Konoha nodded and let him in. Then he led the ginger to where everyone else is. "Hey Konoha, who was at the do-"

   Washio got cut off when he saw the tangerine that seemed unreal. That's when they all looked at Shoyo. "Hey guys! Uhh, I'm here to get to know you all! Let's introduce ourselves!" Shoyo said as he went to an empty spot on the floor and sat on it. "I'll go first. I'm Hinata Shoyo, but call me Shoyo or anything that's not Hinata." Then Shoyo gestured everyone to introduce themselves.

   "HEY! HEY! HEY! SHOYO! I'm Bokuto Kotaro, the captain, ace, and outside hitter!" Bokuto exclaimed as he pointed to himself with his thumb. "GWAAHHH!! YOU'RE ONE OF THE TOP 5 ACES RIGHT?!" "That is I!" "SUGOII!!" "HAHA I KNOW RIG-"

   "Bokuto-san please stop yelling," said Akaashi. Bokuto went into a slight emo mode. "*gasp* What's your name?? You're so pretty," said Shoyo with stars in his eyes. Akaashi tried to hold his blush back. "I'm Akaashi Keiji, vice-captain and setter." "You're really pretty Kei-chan." "O-oh. Thank you Shoyo-san." "Of course, I only told you the truth!"

    "I'm Konoha Akinori, opposite hitter." "Nice to meet you Akin-chan~"

   "I'm Washio Tatsuki, middle blocker." "Nice to meet you Tatsu-chan."

   "I'm Sarukui Yamato, outside hitter." "Nice to meet you Mato-chan."

   "I'm Komi Haruki, libero." "Nice to meet you, Ruki-chan."

   "I'm Onaga Wataru, middle blocker." "Nice to meet you Taru-chan."

   "OK!! We finished with introductions, now can I please have all your numbers?" Shoyo asked before he held out his phone. Akaashi gently took his phone and placed everyone's number in.

   "There you go, Shoyo. That's everyone's number." "Oh! Thank you Kei-chan!" "AGAASHIII I WANTED TO PUT MY OWN NUMBER INN!" Bokuto yelled as he went into emo-mode.

   The owls sighed and Shoyo sweat dropped. "Bokuto-san, do you really want to do this in front of our new friend?" "But Agaashii.." His hair drooped and Shoyo got an idea. He walked up to Bokuto and cupped the taller's cheeks(his face ones you sinners). "Kota-chan, be good yeah? Kei-chan is trying really hard to keep you happy and you being sad is making me sad. Do you want me to be sad, Kota-chan?"

   Bokuto's hair went back to normal and he picked up the ginger and spun him around. "Noo! DON'T BE SAD! SEE I'M HAPPY! I WON'T BE SAD AGAIN SHOYO-KUN!" "AHHH! OK KUTO-SENPAI PLEASE PUT ME DOWNN, I'M GETTING DIZZYY!!" Akasshi snatched Shoyo from the older's arms and put him down. "Sorry Shoyo-kun," Bokuto said with his hair drooping down.

   "Thank you Kei-chan. And it's ok Kota-chan, you were just trying to make me happy. Here do you want a hug?" He opened his arms and Bokuto didn't hesitate to take up the offer and put the smaller in his embrace. "Shoyo-kun~ You're too sweeett~" Bokuto cooed.

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