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LOOK AT MY SUGAHINA SHIP DIZHZKZBZN it was so hard to choose a picture cause i have so many huhu


hey flowers~ yes your sugahina content is now here😌🕶🤏 lol anyways hope you guys enjoyed!!


|Friday Morning|
Suga's POV

   When I walked into the gym, I saw almost everyone there. Daichi still wasn't here but whatever. I looked around and saw Shoyo sitting on a bench with him on the right of Narita and Kinoshita on the left of Narita. It seemed like they got close together yesterday. Huh.

   I guess Shoyo was finished telling his story because he got up and went to the storage room. "Ok Koshi, you got this," I think to myself mentally hyping myself up.

   I walk to the storage room and see Shoyo grabbing some balls. He was bending down so I looked at his thick a- NO! BAD KOSHI!

   I clear my throat and he turns to me and straightens himself. "Did you need something Ko-chan?" he asked while holding the balls and tilting his head. "Can he get even more adorable??"

   "Ah- Yes, I was wondering if you would.. maybe..wanttohaveasleepoverwithmesowecanhavetwodatesbutdoingthesamething," I say really fast. He just looks at me then says, "Ok, wait for me after practice and we can go to my house to go get my clothes and stuff." After he says that, he slips past me and goes back to the team.

  "Wait...Did he just agree??????" Then I gay panic until Daichi comes in and helps me calm down.

>Time skip to after school sponsored by my ruined sleep schedule<

   I meet Shoyo in front of the gym and we walked to our cars. "So since you already know where I live you can go ahead of me or just follow me," he said while unlocking his car. "I'll follow you," I say as I get into my car.

|At the Hinata Residence|
3rd Person

The 2 boys entered the house and Shoyo announced his presence. "Ara~ Sho honey, who's this?" said Amaya(Shoyo's mom) looking behind from the couch. "Oh, right. Mom this is Sugawara Koshi. I was supposed to have a date with him tomorrow but we just decided to have a sleepover since it's friday," said Shoyo.

"Ahhh- You're the famous 'Ko-chan' that my son keeps talking about. Well, I'm Hinata Amaya. You can call me Amaya, Maya, or Mom," she said holding out her hand. Suga walked to her and took her hand. "It's nice to meet you Amaya-san." "Would you like to meet the rest of the household?" offered Amaya. "Sure, why not?" agreed Suga.

"And this is my cue to leave. I'm gonna go take a shower and then pack all my stuff. After I finish, we can go," Shoyo said. Suga and Amaya nodded and Shoyo headed up the stairs. "I'll text them to come here because Shoyo becomes a little grouchy pants when I call everyone by shouting," Amaya said giggling. Suga soon joined in on the giggling and in faster than you can say skirt, the whole family was in the living room.

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