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OK THIS TOOK ME HOURS TO FIND AN APPROPRIATE AND KINDA CUTE SCHOOL UNIFORM FOR A GIRL. this is the best i could do so just imagine this with a little longer skirt and a black sweater on.

***also i am tempted to make hazels dad liam hemsworth bc they are both 31***


"Don't be nervous hunny. You'll have fun. You'll be great!" He said.

"I know dad. I think you're more nervous than me." I chuckle.

As nervous as I was walking into Berkshire Hill prep I was no where as nervous as my dad.

He looked like he was about to pee his pants. He was acting as if it was his first day.

And I wouldn't be surprised. Apparently back in the day meaning 10th grade- my parents got drunk and decided to do it.

And that's how yours truly was born. Not that I mind. She was 15 and my dad was 16 and she lied saying she was on the pill. My dad would never leave her. He is too nice for that. But that leaving my dad a 31 year old who looks 28 to be a literal child.

The only bad thing about that is he can't live his life.

And every girl who comes over my house tries to hit on my dad.

It's very disturbing and I'll leave it at that.

Walking into the main office I take sight of a young lady. Too old to be a student but too young to be a main office lady. She is very beautiful, and she seems nice.

I like her.

She gives me a bright smile and a warm welcome.

"Hello! I assume you are the new scholar student!" she beams.

Oh she is very happy too, I could never.

"Yup, unfortunately that is me" I say shooting finger guns at her. My father nudges me in my shoulder and gives me a glare.

"What? It's true. If you wake up in the mornings wanting to go to school, there will be no changing my mind that you are a physco path." I say looking him right in his eyes and giving him a hard look. My dad rolls his eyes and gives me a hard stare.

Oh so he wants to do a staring contest now does he?

Two can play that game.

I narrow my eyes into slits, letting him know I will no back down. But the sound of pretty laughter and a snort moves my dads head as he stares in awe at the receptionist lady.

Don't tell me my dad is going for the receptionist at my school.

"You guys are funny. Much different from other families here." She says smiling. As I look over to my dad I see him nodding like a lost puppy.


Leave Hazel before you witness your worst nightmare.

Your father flirting.

I could throw up just thinking about it.

"Ok! Welllllll I'm going to grab my schedule and scadadle out of here!" I say blowing my dad a kiss goodbye and practically running away.

"Onto Pre-Calculus Queen Hazel!" I yell to myself. I love empty halls in school. Usually I jump off the walls but I don't want to be caught on camera.

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