1/10/21 - shadrach, meshach, abednego, and you

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I threw myself into your fire
I tripped into your fire
I stumbled into your fire
I hurled into your fire

I wanted to burn.

I wanted to feel the handprints of heat
the tendrils of lust curl around my form
as it convulses
as it burns with the scorch-marks of desire
the wrappings of flame and ash
I wanted to mask my heart in
smoke and mirrors
I wanted to clothe myself in
evaporated tears.

But you threw me out of your fire
with gentle hands you
tumbled me out of your heart.

I watched from the oven door

as shadrach, meshach, abednego
and you

flourished in the fiery world that
was once mine.

I wanted to burn in you.

sun-heat and June-breeze kissed my skin
skin left raw, un-thrown and passionless
skin left untouched
by your boys
and you.

poetryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora