Chapter 11~ Tortured.

Start from the beginning

"Bianca, I gotta go. Call the others and tell them. I'll see you and the others at..... 2:00pm, alright?"

"Yes, perfect. I'll be there, see you, Shrome. Bye love you." 

I hung up. I should start calling the others.As soon as I was about to punch in the numbers, my personal rapist, Zain came barging in. 

"Can I come in... to late, I'm in," he says. I rolled my eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

" Just dropped in to check on you. How's the wedding planning going so far? " 

" I'm great and wedding planning is going great, too. I'm just calling some friends, cause I wanna hang out with them at the mall, this afternoon," I told him. 

"Can I come?" he questioned. 


"Because I want to, I've got nothing to do, and I want to spend time with my fiance," he replied. He sat beside me on my bed and slid his arm around my shoulder, and gave me a creepy smile. I flinched it off.  I nodded. I continued to punch in the number and tell my friends the plan for today. Zain sat there, not moving. I really wanted him to leave. I feel uncomfortable around him. It's hard to believe how someone can be uncomfortable around her fiance but for me it's true. What he did to me, was unbearable to think or speak about. Eventually he left after awhile. I continued to look on line for Indian dresses for the wedding. 

It was around 2:00pm when I saw my friends before my wedding and before they all go off traveling in different places around the world. Obviously, Zain tagged along. The girls and I were walking and catching up at the upper level of the mall. It feels like we haven't talked for years,but it's only been about a year since I left Toronto for Bradford.

" Bianca, how's England?" Anjali asked.

"Anjali, there are no words to describe how beautiful and  it's so live!" I exclaimed. They all laughed. I shrugged. 

"So what's going on with you guys? What are you guys doing  for a living?" I asked. 

"I finished my Masters in Science, and I am going into becoming a heart specialist," Shrome replied, as her boyfriend's arm is around her waist. He brushed  her loose hair off her face. 

" I'm becoming a civil engineer in the New year," Yasamin said. 

" I'm a surgeon and currently working at the hospital," Shreya says.

" I'm an environmental conservator," Anjali implied. I thought about all their occupations . A surgeon, a civil engineer, a heart specialist etc. Then I look at myself as a soon to be bride and house wife. I couldn't finish my master because of my fiance. 

 "What about you Bianca?" Shreya asked. Sweat started to accumulate on the palms of my hands. I gulped really hard and fixed my eyes on the ground. Quick, Bianca! Think of something, I thought to myself. Suddenly, I saw Hollister and decides to go in there for a distraction. 

"Um, hey there's Hollister.... let's go!" 

They all looked at each other suspiciously, shrugged and we ran to the store. We were having so much fun after a year. In the past, the girls and I didn't spend time together because of things that we caught up with. There were a lot of sales today at Hollister. 

I was searching through the hangers of shirts when a helper came up to me. He seemed to be very tall, white skinned with a glazed tan, and had curly blond hair. It was hard to tell because of the dark lighting they had inside the store.  He smiled, I smiled back and continued  to search for a shirt to buy. 

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