Chapter 21: The Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Yea, it has!!" he beamed with pride.

"Alright, I'm going to take it up a bit!"

I began to swirl my arms in front of me, causing a huge ball of fire to come together.

"Fire Wall!" I yelled as I stomped and threw my arms forward. The fire began to stretch and form into a wall, blasting towards Kirishima.

He took a power stance and hardened his entire body. The fire blasted right past him, and he only slid back a couple feet, not a scratch on him.

"Kirishima! I'm so impressed!" I yelled.

He was smiling brightly.

"Big deal," Katsuki huffed.

"Actually, it is pretty impressive," Hawks said, and I heard Katsuki exhale loudly.

Now, time to test my theory. Air and water are flexible yet sharp. I'm guessing they'll slice through his hardening quirk since he can't smash them.

"Kirishima, hold still now, I don't want you to get hurt, but I need to test this."

He looked at me confused, "Uh, ok..."

I brought water to my left hand, and air around my right.

Quickly, I threw the elements forward, "Needle slice!"

Both elements shot forward at high speed and turned into small needle-like blades.

Kirishima held up both of his arms and hardened them. As the blades reached him, he let out a small yell.

Blood began to drip from the cuts, "What!? How'd that happen?!" He asked.

I walked over to him, "Your quirk doesn't harden much more than the top layers of your skin right now. You can use it to smash things that have a solid molecular structure."

"However, air and water are flexible while still holding their shape. You can't penetrate them, so when in a sharp form, they'll slice through."

I was wrapping up the bleeding parts of his arms, "It's only temporary." I reassured him, "Now that we know the weakness, we can combat it."

He still looked shock, "I-I had no idea..."

"It's ok, Kirishima," I smiled. "With training, you can overcome anything. Let's just get to work!"

I patted him on the shoulder and walked to get another sip of my tea.

Katsuki smirked, "Not as tough as you look, Red!"

"Yea, well I can still take you on lemon head!"

Katsuki was fuming, ready to explode, "That's enough, Katsuki." I interjected, "He's actually right. Fire has little-to-no affect on his hardening."

"Come on, you two! Time to get to work!"

We spent the next hour training viciously. I was doing mostly 2-on-1 exercises so that they could focus on teamwork and improving.

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