☀️Yuki Rurikawa x Clingy! Chubby Reader☀️

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"I haven't heard anything about the idiot, where could that stupid brains of hers be?"Yuki mumbled to himself not really noticing Muku beside him, Muku knew that Yuki deeply cares for (Y/N).

"Yuki-kun, perhaps she's sick?"Muku asked then Yuki looked at him and look away immediately, Muku chuckled at his friend's behavior then suggested that they both visit (Y/N). Once school dismissed, both middle school boys went in (Y/N)'s house which apparently is a mansion, (Y/N) came from a rich family. They knocked in the door then a maid opened it, the two boys asked for (Y/N) which made the maid shocked.

"If your looking for Mistress (Y/N), she's not here"a butler that always is with (Y/N) said then both boys looked at him

"Where is she?"Muku asked politely then the butler sighed

"She didn't tell her friends did she? Well, Mistress (Y/N) and her parents went in France for business matters, I do not know when they'll be back"the butler told both the boys who stood there like they've seen a ghost, especially Yuki.

"There's your answer, let's go Wonder Boy"Yuki told Muku who looked a bit shocked as they walked on their way to the dormitory

"Yuki-kun...."Muku said which made Yuki sighing

"I do not even wished to know that, Wonder Boy"Yuki told Muku who looked at Yuki

"...Yuki-kun..."Muku whispered Yuki's name then both of the middle schoolers went inside the dormitory

"Ah, okairi Yuki-kun and Muku-kun.....etto, what happened?"Izumi Tachibana asked both boys who looks at her

"Nanimonai....."Muku told Izumi who looks so curious, Yuki sighed and walked away bumping into Tenma Sumeragi in the process.

"Oi! Watch were your looking, brat!"Tenma said as Yuki unintentionally glared at him, Yuki didn't even know that he was glaring at Tenma

"I'm not in the mood for this stupid argument with you, Hack"Yuki said and continued to walk away while all of the guys in the lounge looked so shocked

"The heck?! What is his problem?!"Tenma asked completely pissed off about Yuki

"Muku-kun....what really happened?"Izumi asked as Muku looked at her

"...y-you know (Y/N) (L/N)-san?"Muku asked them which made them nodding

"Isn't that the one who always clings to Yukkii? The one who likes him?"Kazunari Miyoshi asked as Muku nodded

"...she left the country to go to France for a family business without telling Yuki-kun....that's why, somehow....Yuki-kun is upset but he doesn't admit it..."Muku told them which made them shocked as well

"So it means.....Yukkii likes her too?"Kazunari asked which made Muku nodding then they planned to make Yuki realize it by going for a street act, they did it and Yuki was crying because he realized how precious (Y/N) was to him.

~A 2 years have passed in (Y/N)'s POV~

I looked at Veludo Way, noting had changed for the past two years except for the Mankai Company's success. I'm happy that the company went to a successful journey, I came back from France, now that I'm 15.....my dad stayed behind France for business as my mom and I came back to Japan. I smiled and looked at St. Flora Middle School, I registered at Hanasaki Academy for my first year in high school. I looked at the entrance of the middle school that I went to, I had a lot of precious memories with my crush, Yuki Rurikawa-kun or Ruri-kun.

"Darling~ we have to get to Hanasaki Academy for the papers you need, let's go!"my mom told me which made me chuckling as I smiled, we made it to fix the papers and everything. I had the free time to look around before tomorrow and start my school, I bid my mom farewell then I bumped into someone.

"Ah gomenasai...."I said then I rubbed my nose

"(Y/N) (L/N)....?"I heard the voice of one of the Spring Troupe's actor.....I looked up at him and saw Masumi Usui-san...

"Oh, Usui-san! It's nice to see you again!"I said then he looks at me, he nods and I smiled

"Your going to the dormitory?"he asked then I nodded while he nods and we walked to the dormitory, I looked at the dorm, it hasn't changed.

"Tadaima, Kantoku-san~"Usui-san flirted to Izumi-san

"Okairi Masumi-kun and (Y/N)-chan"Izumi-san said which made me wave at her, I'm surprised that she still knows me. She then stopped smiling and looked back at me wide eyed

"(Y/N)-CHAN?!"Izumi-san asked which made me chuckling, guess it is shocking

"Hai, tadaima, Izumi-san"I said while she squealed in happiness while she hugged me causing me to stumble a bit, I hugged her back. She brought me to the lounge room and said that the Autumn Troupe will have their fourth performance with a new member, I then saw Kazunari-san then he hugged me, he and I kept contact with each other because he found my InstaBlam account. After some talking someone went to the lounge room where I saw Ruri-kun....he's still the same.

"Eh? (L-L/N)-san?"I heard Sakisaka-kun asking then I smiled and pounced at Ruri-kun who looks quite shock at the moment

"O-o-oi! L-let go, idiot!"he said then I smiled and kissed him in front of everyone which made them shocked

"From now on, you'll be my boyfriend!"I stated then Ruri-kun's face went red and he pushed me

"W-w-why so suddenly?!"he asked as I smiled and winked at him

"Because you wouldn't regret me leaving to France one year ago~! I kept contact with Kazunari-san to see how you guys are doing in the dormitory and company~!"I said then Ruri-kun glared at Kazunari-san who whistled like nothing happened, I hugged Ruri-kun by the arm

"B-baka! Stop it!"Ruri-kun told me which made me smile and he dragged me our of the lounge room, his grip on my hand was hard so I looked at him

"Ittaiyo Ruri-kun!"I said then he let go and grabbed my shoulders

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW STUPID YOU ARE NOT TELLING ME YOUR LEAVING?!"Ruri-kun asked as I looked at him, I only kept silent. He realized what he said and he lets go of me, he turned around back facing me.

"Leave me alone..."he said as I hugged him

"Yuki-kun....gomenasai..."I said while I heard Yuki-kun crying, I smiled

"I'm sorry for leaving without telling you....but it means you like me back, right?"I asked then he suddenly went stiff

"...of course baka...."he said and I smiled then squeezed his hip, gosh my chubby ugly body is pressing against him.

"Then I love you too, I've waited for you, Yuki-kun"I said then I faced him towards me, I can be the top because I know he's a bottom.

"Yuki-kun, you're so cute~!"I said while he blushed deep red and got pissed off

"H-hurru up and kiss me already"Yuki-kun said then I chuckled and kissed him


A3! x Chubby Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon