Chapter 1

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The summer vacations always used to be the best part of each year for which we awaited. Though the summer vacation used to be short-lived, it was always quite a memorable one. I got to go to my Grandparents' house with my younger brother for the whole vacation where we just listened to the stories which they said with bewildered eyes and help grandpa with farm activities and grandma with the baking. The rest of the time we would just roam around the countryside or go to the beach with grandpa. Time always flies by really quickly when we are with them. And no matter how much time I spend with them I can never get enough of the pampering. They were the sweetest angels in my life. I would long for the vacations every time just to run here and spend time with them. Every year my grandpa comes to pick me and my brother up and take us with him during our vacations. The most exciting part is always the journey from our home to Grandpa's place. I just love the open road with the wind gushing through my face when we roll down the window and take in the serene beauty of the journey. The same journey becomes the most dreaded one when it goes the opposite direction at the end of the vacation. The most joyous thing about the vacation is the fact that I am stuffed to the brim by all kinds of sweets, confectioneries, and various dishes by my grandma ensuring that I put on some weight by the time I leave. During the last week of our stay, our parents had joined us as a surprise and made the trip and our vacation even more memorable for us as well as our grandparents. It was like our family bonding time. Grandparents got to spend time with their son after a very long time due to his hectic work schedule. Though both Mom and Dad are working, they make it a point to take out some time from their busy schedule for us to have good family time with them.

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