Finally he managed to pull them off, then went around to bed to stand at his side.

"Take off your jacket at least."

Jungkook pouted, eyes wide and innocent as he shook his head.
"Really? You wanna sleep in that?"

He pointed at the thick black bomber Jacket.
He shook his head again.
"Then what?"

JK smiled. "You take it off."

He sat up in his bed, holding out his hands in a waiting gesture.
Jimin closed his eyes and took a long, steadying breath.
This could become a very exhausting and trying night.

For a moment he considered to just walk out the room, but pity gripped his heart.
There had to have been a reason Jungkook had chosen to get this drunk.
He never touched alcohol.

Seeing no other chance, he sighed and leaned forward, gripping the tall boys jacket and started peeling it off.
Jungkook had slid forward too and Jimin stopped breathing for a second as Jungkook's lips brushed over his neck, nuzzling him there with a giggle.

With trembling fingers he pulled off the jacket, then drew back, but Jungkook was faster.
In a surprisingly swift and strong move, the taller had grabbed Jimin around his waist, pulled him against his large chest and dropped back.

They went down together and the next thing Jimin knew, he ended up in a warm, tight embrace.
He felt and heard Jungkook's deep exhale, as if he was able to relax for the first time in weeks.
Jimin knew he should pull away.
And he was about to, when Jungkook let out a content sigh, buried his face in his hair and breathed: "My precious."

He lay there, listening to Jungkook's heartbeat as the word echoed in his head, over and over again, until the younger's breath evened out and Jimin knew he must have fallen asleep. Now was his time to wriggle out of the embrace- and yet he didn't.

Against his better judgment, he felt save and comfortable and for the first time in two weeks, utterly at ease. Home. This is what home felt like. He would probably regret this in the morning, but he closed his eyes too, snuggling against Jungkook as he fell into a deep, restful sleep.


He hugged his blanket tightly, feeling warm and happy.

That was the first thing that was weird.
When was the last time he had awoken happy?
And since when did his blanket move?

He blinked his eyes open and stared at the black fabric he lay on in confusion. And it was moving!
Then he sucked in a sharp breath as a flash of memory went through him and he glanced up.

And sure enough, he met the eyes of a very sleepy, yet surprised raven-haired boy, whose chest he'd been sleeping on.

"W-w-what am I doing here?" his morning voice croaked, the confusion audible as his body turned rigid, finally realizing he was in bed- with Jimin- hugging him.

"You don't remember?"
He shook his head, his hair ruffled and messy from sleep.

"I...I just remember going to my fathers wine cellar and then- nothing. I.. I came here?"

Jimin only nodded. What else was he going to say to explain how they ended up in this predicament?

"Shit." Jungkook cursed, letting Jimin go as if he burned himself.
He should have expected this reaction, but it hurt nonetheless as he watched Jungkook sit up and throw the blanket away.
He rested his elbows on his knees and buried his head in his hands groaning.

"Ah, my head." he let out through clenched teeth.

"Serves you right!" Jimin couldn't help but say as he got up too, the boys sitting next to each other but the distance appearing to be endless, just like the silence that stretched on.

"Did I do something? Did I say something?" he finally muffled into his hands, unable to look up and meet Jimin's eyes.

For a moment he considered fucking with him and making up a story about how they were intimate, only to see the horror in his eyes, but couldn't.
Not when Jungkook looked so shaken.

"No. You just passed out on my bed. But you should get home. It's already morning and your parents must be worried."

He kept his voice calm and neutral, trying to make it sound like it was no big deal that Jungkook had come to his house drunk in the middle of the night.

He watched as Jungkook just shook his head. "They're out of town until Sunday morning. Some conference in Busan. They wont know I left."

Jimin only remained silent.
With a sigh, the other boy lifted his head and finally turned to Jimin.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. It wont happen again."

He stood and Jimin stared at him as he collected his shoes.

"That's it? That's all you're gonna say?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"How about why you decided to get shitfaced in the first place?"
Jungkook ignored him, a frown on his face as he silently bound his shoes.

Jimin had enough. Anger gripped him as he shot up from the bed to stand in front of him.

"Silence again. So you think you can just tap at my window drunk, sleep in my bed while you hug me and then leave without an explanation? You're pathetic ! And a coward. If you have a problem with me just say it!"

" I don't have a fucking problem!" the younger suddenly yelled, straightening to his full height, his breath heavy and angry, his face red like last night as he glowered down at Jimin.

"I made a mistake coming here. You have a boyfriend!"

"So what if I do?" Jimin screamed back, throwing his fists in the air.
"Are you really that ignorant, JK? Are you really such a piece of shit to hold that against me? To hate me for it?"

Jungkook's eyes widened at his outburst, but it wasn't his face he was looking at.
He shot forward suddenly, gripping his wrist tightly.

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now