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"Awwwh" 😪, James yawned and got up, 06:00 am, James looked at the time and paid no attention but almost immediately realized himself, "Ooooooz", "James yelled, "hey, hey man, what's up ", "you're what's up? ", "say what?, wasn't listening, paying more attention to master Chong Cheong's meditation hums, keeps me cool and collected and helps me get my jazz on, fresh!", "firstly I don't care how you calm and collect your self or who the fucking heck you do it with,and is that my headset, did you get yourself a new phone, more importantly, how is the music getting through the glass and most importantly FYI, I wake on non school days by 07:00 am,not an hour earlier, maybe an hour later God damnit man".

"So I'm gonna answer all your questions, so your mental mechanism should be sharp,yes, yes, only sounds, my self, food and water and other food related stuffs and punches,kicks can pass through my superb glass,is it all that bad to impersonate your dad and go get myself the most expensive phone in the store,two of course,and use your dad's credit card to pay off and yes,this is your damn headset and lastly, why don't you do your self a good favour and check your 2025 calendar overlooking you if you turn to your left", "my calendar, what's up with my calendar?..., oh!, now I see, if you need me, I'll be in the shower",
"Right behind man".

10 minutes later...

With a spray of the all new Nivea Men™ perfume, he was set to go, white polo shirt bringing out the muscles and black pencil jeans, a white New Balance™ shoes and a well combed round cut, dyed red on the upper part and lower part left dark, he put on a pair of glasses, he was on his trail.

"So Oz where's the car and driver that was supposed to make me look perfect, "oh, it's in your garage, sooo...have a great time man ", "k bye Oz", "bye".

James got to the garage and wall, next to his mom's Innoson IVM Caris and dad's IVM Ikéngà was a red sparkling SUV, "whoa, where ever did Oz get this from? ", all of a sudden, the car horn was yanked and the glass was swiped down slowly,
He saw a young handsome dude in the driver's seat, he was so handsome that he began to wonder if saying he was more handsome than the Korean guys that the constant bickering of their "cuteness" by the girls in school forced him to go check out.

The back glass slid down too for him to behold a handsome young man and a beautiful young lady, "who are you guys", "it's me Oz", the male dude said, "how did you come...? ", "look, I knew that you would never allow me to follow you so I told you that I would take care of the car and driver and walla!, I multiplied my self into three, plus my self, one a driver, the other,me,and sweet Veronica here,also me, by the way I'm Jack, the driver's Bill,so meet sweet Veronica", "you realize you're literally just kissing your self, "who cares, she's perfect, I'm perfect,we perfect", Oz said and kissed her some more.

James scoffed, "so the car's also you? ", "smart dude, no wonder you get second highest average most of the time", "thanks I guess ", James said confusedly, "soooo, we move, oh I saved a space for the celebrants at the back", "uhh, love seats, sweet ",James hopped in and buckled his seatbelt, "wait, do you have a license? ", "who needs a license when your car's customized ", "really Oz, you're better than this, no one's above the law","ok, I know what to do", "create a license with your mind? ", "hey that works too, I was just gonna beg them if I see them", "hmm, how shocking,you know for some one like you,you sure are dumb to some extent, don't blame you though",he shrugs, Jack looks at him and his eyes turned red,"k big d,no eye lazers", Jack's eyes went back to normal,"so you were really gonna ebilerate me","apparently,but trust me,I would've fixed you","not sure how that's...","no frights, I'm Ozander,so I think we should get going now", yeah,don't want Mary to be all mad at me","uhh,lover boy's scared","dude, someone of your calibre should know there's a big black hole difference between love and fright,this is clearly love","uhh,lover boy's a genius", Veronica said, James just looked,shook his head and shrugged.

Soon they pulled over at Mary's,"we're here died", Bill said,"wow,were we even driving?","son",Oz said,"this is what happens when Oz's in charge",he nods in agreement,"classic shit dude", James stepped downed and arranged his swoosh, he rang the door bell and three seconds later the door opened and behold was Mary, her long, thick brown hair were released and not in braids, it was falling over her shoulders, she was on a red body fitted shoulder-down gown, black heels and a red purse, one would easily be tempted to think that something reasonable was in there but what do we know?🙄🤷.

"You look stunning", James said as he held her hand to his lips and kissed her upper palm, then led her down the stairs to the car, "wow, who owns the car? ", "oh, the car?,my dad, he let me borrow it for a while", "didn't you say that your dad is New York and mom's in Maryland? ", "you know what?, why don't we stop talking about who borrowed who?, some guys are waiting for us inside ",He opened the door for her and urged her to enter, she got in and sat down uneasily.

"I see Mary here is quite uneasy, James why don't you introduce us? ", "sure Jack, so Mary this is Jack, Veronica and Bill, Bill's the driver, Jack's my cousin, he just wouldn't stop bugging me so I had him bring his girl over so it would be a double date, you cool with that? ", "sure I'm cool, I'm cool ", "Bill is my uncle's driver that's Jack's father sooo... you know my dad's really into drivers and me too kinda but since some dudes won't get that into... ", "Sirs we're here",Bill said, he slid the glass down and all saw the label that read:


"Wow, this place's awesome, I've heard of it", "ok guys, what are we doing outside let's get inside ", "wow Mary, you're not letting go of James' arm one sec", Jack chipped, "ok, let's go inside now ", James said, they got to the door and showed the male usher their tickets and he ushered them to their seats.

They had already told Bill to take a joy ride and come back by 1:00 PM.

They sat down and their meal was brought to them by the waiter, as their munching on their in between meals, Mary brought up a topic,
"So Jack where are you from? ",she asked,
"Oh me?, Here, Patty county, Paddiville",he replied,
"Wow, me too", Mary said,
"And me three", James chipped with a smile,
"What of you Veronica? ", Mary asked Mary laughed softly at James' goofiness,
"Atlanta county", Veronica said,
"Whoa, but Atlanta is so quiet, why come here? ", James asked
"Every ones knows that the only place more quiet than Atlanta, Georgia is Paddiville, Rockbayy", Veronica said,
"Few miles away,right?, Paddiville is between Georgia and Florida, anyone knew that?",
"Wow, good chats", Jack said,"Ven?",
"Well that's true but on my own, I would really love to be in New York ", she said,
"So what's your surname? ",
"Oh",she said placing her hand on her chest, "Corutho,Veronica Corutho,I'm in Paddiville High from Atlanta Georgia", she said,
"What a lot we all have in common", James said,
"Oh it's nothing ", Veronica said,
"Jack what's yours? ", Mary
"Lights, Jack Lights ", he said.

They all continued with their meals while whiling away time with important and unimportant topics,they spent the remaining time in other locations.

Then at 8:00 pm, Bill came over and they were set to go, they stopped over at Mary's and James performed the kind act of chivery by leading her as they'd entered the CLC to her door step, they both stopped, Mary stopped and gave him a warm hug then gave him a kiss and he responded positively, they stood there for a while,lips locked together, then Bill hunked the car horn,"I believe they're all waiting for you, call you later", "yeah later babe,bye", James said and ran towards the car, he hopped in and the car zoomed off.

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