❀ Stay just the way you are ❀

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I really should look into this properly. I don't want to involve Willow and then have something bad happen.

"Found what you're looking for yet?" The teacher poked his head into the room.

"Oh, no." I said.

"What documents are you after?" He asked.

"Uh, ones from the student council seven years ago." I said.

"Seven years ago..." He was in deep thought.

"Nothing there?" He asked.

"No." I said.


I was now standing at the counter of the family bookstore and staring at the floor in deep thought.

I couldn't even find anything in the main building. But.. why? Could it be...

I started to type on my phone and send Amity a message, but something stopped me. I deleted the message before I could even finish it.

I really can't ask her directly.

"I'm home." My sister announced as she walked in.

"Oh, welcome back." I greeted her.

"Mom will be angry if she catches you glued to your phone instead of watching the store." My sister said.

"I know." I sighed. Before she left the room I asked her a favor, "Ria."

She turned around, "Yeah?"

"Didn't you say before that you work with someone who's an alumna of my school?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about her?" Ria asked, confused.

"How old is she?" I asked.

Ria thought for a moment, "She's three years older than me, so 24, maybe?"

I nodded and took a mental note.

We were now sitting at the dinner table.

"She replied." My sister said.

"What did she say?" I turned around eagerly waiting for an answer.

"The student council president at the time was... " Ria trailed off and showed me her phone.

It read, "The student council president at the time was Emira Blight."


"Yes, that's Amity Blight's older sister, Emira Blight." The teacher confirmed for me.

"Huh?" I said as I looked up in surprise, "But, Amity said she didn't have any siblings."

"Yes, not anymore." He said. It took me a moment to process that sentence, and what meant by "not anymore", but I eventually put together the pieces and figured it out.

He took his glasses off, "She passed away in a traffic accident."

I was shocked.

"In the fall seven years ago, right before the school festival. Everyone loved her, and we teachers relied on her a lot too. She was a good student council president, always playing a central role." He explained to me

"Then, the student council play..." I trailed off.

"It was canceled when the older Blight passed away, and they haven't held it since. Amity is just like her. I guess they're not sisters for nothing." He smiled as he finished.

Bloom Into You [Lumity AU] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now