𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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Living in her half-finished cottage by the edge of the pond in L'Manberg was perfectly splendid until Reverie was rudely pulled from her slumber by Wilbur kicking open her front door and excitedly yelling, "Are you ready? It's the big day!"

Reverie groaned as she sat up and glared at Wilbur, who was standing in the doorway, shadowed in front of the light of the rising sun and beaming down at Reverie and Tubbo. As their cottage was still under construction (all they really had was walls and a roof) Reverie and Tubbo had been sleeping on the floor with nothing but a blanket and a pillow each for comfort, and Reverie's neck ached.

"What time is it?" she grumbled.

"Oh, it's the crack of dawn," Wilbur sang chipperly as he threw open the curtains, allowing more natural light to flood into the room. A sharp pain split Reverie's skull and she grimaced in discomfort. "We have lots of preparation to do today."

Something landed in Reverie's lap and she flinched, only to find that her moment of panic was in vain because all that had happened was Wilbur had tossed her a revolutionary uniform.

"Get dressed, both of you," Wilbur said, his voice still bright and filled with joy. "Meet me at the podium in ten minutes."

Reverie slipped inside what would soon be the bathroom and stepped into her revolutionary uniform. Although she would never admit it aloud to Wilbur, she found the uniform to be extremely uncomfortable,6 but at least it looked cool, she supposed.

As she was fitting the uniform, her wrist slipped into her vision and she frowned. The piece of green fabric was still loosely tied around her wrist. With an ache in her heart, Reverie pulled her hair back into a sloppy braid and secured it with the green hoodie piece.

Together, Reverie and Tubbo stepped outside into the orange light of the blazing sunrise. A morning chill hung in the air and the grass was peppered with dew. Sighing contentedly, Reverie breathed in the crisp morning air and allowed it to regenerate her senses and wake her up fully.

Today was Election Day.

Feeling that it was hypocritical for him to rebel against a dictatorship, only to establish a nation that was also a dictatorship as well, Wilbur decided to host an election in which the citizens of L'Manberg could vote for their president. Wilbur was, of course, running for president, with Tommy as his running mate. Opposing them was the team of Quackity and George, and the minority party consisting of Fundy and Niki.

Reverie had never had a direct interaction with Quackity before. From what she could recall, she had spoken with Quackity only twice, and both times she had been in the company of Dream, George and Sapnap—or the Dream Team, as they liked to call themselves.

"Who do you think will win?" Tubbo inquired as he and Reverie crossed the lawns of their budding nation.

"Oh, Wilbur for sure," Reverie answered with utmost confidence. "I mean, come on, who wants George as their vice president?"

Tubbo snorted in amusement and said, "True, true."

Dark clouds swirled to the east, steadily approaching L'Manberg and threatening a downpour and maybe even a thunderstorm. There was no better weather to set the mood for a Presidential Election.

Wilbur was stood atop of the podium, testing the microphone by prodding it with his finger and speaking into it. All the while Tommy, who was stood on the ground below, shook his head aggressively and shouted up, "It's not working! Try banging it off the ground!"

Wilbur frowned helplessly at the microphone and continued to tap it as though his fingers had a magical touch. Rolling her eyes and giggling in mild amusement, Reverie parted from Tubbo's side and hiked the steps to the top of the podium.

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