𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Reverie sat perched on the branch of a tree by the Camarvan. Night had long since broke yet shadows in the windows of the Camarvan told her that people were still inside. She had been sat in the tree an hour now, waiting to catch Tubbo alone. As she was now permanently staying with Dream, she had not seen Tubbo in days and she couldn't risk just walking through the gates of L'Manberg unarmed. As far as the citizens were concerned, she was their enemy.

Was she their enemy? Reverie wasn't entirely sure. Her loyalties were completely split down the middle, but one thing was certain: she did not agree with Dream and his decision to declare war, but she did, however, understand why he was unwilling to simply grant L'Manberg independence.

At long last, the door to the Camarvan opened and light pooled across the lawn. Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo exited the van. Wilbur and Tommy walked ahead, whispering words into the night, while Tubbo skulked along behind them with his hands stuffed in his pockets and his head hung low. He looked simply miserable, and a knife twisted in Reverie's chest at the sight. Family wise, she was all Tubbo had and now his only sister had supposedly sided against him in a war for his country's independence.

Wilbur and Tommy exited L'Manberg through the gates and were swallowed by the darkness of the surrounding forest. Before Tubbo could leave, Reverie jumped down from her tree.

"Tubbo," she whispered, immediately regretting making such a sudden appearance when Tubbo yelped loudly.

"Rev!" Tubbo gasped, clutching his chest. "You scared me! You—you—what are you doing here? I thought you were with Dream."

"I don't have much time," Reverie said in a hurried whisper. "Tubbo, I'm sorry, okay? I promise you I'm on your side, always."

Tubbo frowned. "Then why did you listen to him? Why did you sign? The whole point of the Revolution is to rebel against Dream's leadership."

Reverie was stumped as to how to respond to this. There was no reasonable excuse aside from her real answer, but she didn't think it would be the best idea, now of all times, to tell Tubbo about her secret relationship. Wilbur being aware of it was already dangerous enough, and George and Sapnap were beginning to suspect that something was going on too. Reverie knew this would happen as soon as she moved into the castle. The fact that she would go against her best friend and brother to side with a man who was supposedly her acquaintance and nothing more definitely looked suspicious.

"Dream is my... friend," Reverie answered slowly. "I know he's in the wrong, but I really think I can convince him to stop the war."

"You hardly know him, Rev," Tubbo said.

Reverie felt heat rise to her face. She thanked whatever higher power that resided above for the darkness of the night that hid her glowing cheeks.

"You'd be surprised."

An owl hooted somewhere in the trees and crickets chirped all around. If Reverie didn't return soon, Dream would begin to wonder where she had gone. She decided she would put forth the proposal that she had been working over in her head for days and then return to the castle.

"I want to be a double agent," she told her brother, much to his surprise. "I'll report back to you on Dream's plans while I try and convince him to stop the war before it's too late."

Tubbo's eyes were blown wide. "Really?"

"Really," Reverie nodded. "But let me make it clear, I'm on neither side. I'm not a spy for anyone. I'm trying to held you both out."

Tubbo nodded. "Got it. If you come back here tomorrow, I could have a revolutionary uniform ready for you."

Reverie thought it was quite ridiculous that this statement would make her heart beat much faster than it had been beating only seconds before. By becoming a double agent, she was taking a great risk. Wilbur and Tubbo would know of her plans and would therefore be able to excuse any betrayal on her part. Dream, on the other hand, would not know that she was on the side of both his kingdom and L'Manberg, so one wrong move and he would believe that she was wholly against him.

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