Chapter 13: Cognize My Sadness

Start from the beginning

The place was fairly big for a storage room. The walked inside before she turned the lights on. As soon as they placed all the books in, the lights finally illuminating the dark place.

"Where'd that crazy lady go?" Zen asked after he was done and took note that she wasn't here anymore.

"I don't know," Micheal answered and wiped his hands together to remove the dust.

"Done!" Cicero said after he was finished as well.

Before anyone could speak or move, a loud thud was heard making them pause whatever they were doing. Realizing the thud wasn't something that fell or just a sound from outside, but the floor beneath their feet sunk a good distance below.

"What the-"

They all fell almost in sync when another powerful shake happened that there them off their balance.

"What the fuck?!" Zen shouted and looked upwards at the storage room's ceiling that is now, way farther than before.

"Did we just sink..?" Micheal's voice echoed and Omi nodded.

"What the actual fuck?!" Zen laughed in a way showing surprise and no hint of enjoyment.

"Zen, calm down," Omi hushed him and stood up slowly.

A huge array of shelves could be seen if you looked around and the space and a red carpet was weirdly layed out on the floor, it's round shape almost perfectly matching the weirdly matched ground.

Once Omi got his balance back carefully, it wasn't long before another shake took place and this time there wasn't a pause, but rather, the whole ground space they were in started spinning and gradually increasing it's speed every five seconds.

"We're going to die!" Cicero cried and came tumbling down until he crashed onto Zen's unfazed body right up until this sudden movement.

The green head clutched on Zen's arm and Omi rubbed his face, realizing his glasses weren't on, he frantically started looking around. 

He looked down and saw a blurry view of his broken glasses after removing his foot.

"Well, just my luck," He grumbled and picked them up.

"Did they break?" Micheal asked and Omi moved it closer to him as an answer, "Oh,"

"Shit, what are we going to do?!" Zen looked at Omi with wide eyes and Cicero could just about feel his racing heart and unstable breathing as he was basically enfolded way too close to him. 

"First, we've got to calm down," Omi stated, "So we can think properly," He continued and looked at Cicero who was increasingly becoming more scared.

"Cicero, Zen, it's fine, we're going to get out of here," Omi assured them, "I just need you to cooperate, okay?" He raised his voice over the loud noises of the wind and crazy shaking.

"O-okay," Cicero answers back in a small voice and Zen only nodded with a light frown over his scared features with determination. They've got to trust him.

"Micheal?" Omi looked to his right and saw the brunet in a fine condition.

"I'm alright," He nodded.

QUARTET ALLIANCE: LEND A HAND (Wild Duty & Judgement)Where stories live. Discover now