Part 1

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Rising and shining at 7 in the morning is not an easy task for me when I absolutely lay up all night texting my buddies and watching series and shows cause yeah I am addicted alright. But okaaaaay, I am this chubby fat human with a small face and some weird black-ish round glasses. I had huge black-straight-soft-thin hair, I wish I had a curly hair. My nose was big, it literally looked like the beak of some hawk. My teeth was all paced forth but indeed I was always cute. I found comfort in my pajamas. Oh yeah, I m 5 feet 2. 

"Hazel, are you coming out or what?" Mom yelled. There is no way I can escape that.

I quickly turned to my pink coloured brush when I was not at all into the colour pink but since daddy brought it for his cute little princess, how can I say No? Oh yeah indeed, I meant me- the cute little princess??

I brushed my teeth as fast as I can and rushed downstairs to have my healthy meal of cornflakes and yogurt. I absolutely know they never go well together for me but I hate milk so I needed something healthy to eat ofcourse.

I was on my way back to my room and do my homework before my final alarm of "ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL" rings up. Yeah, I got nothing better to do anyways blah blah.

I pulled out my Literature note and scribbled out the last day's homework on writing down the imagery elements in John Keats poems and bring out a whole new poem that my imagination comes up with. I am not a poet and I would certainly not be so it went like this:

Twinkle twinkle summer star,
How I wonder how hot you are,
Up above the earth so high,
Like a pearl in the sky,
Rowing rowing your tail away,
Past from us and fading away,
May you come back another day,
'cause I love summer and I wanna play!

I know this sounds horrible among all the varieties of poetries my classmates might have already came up with. But oh well, this is all I got for now. Maybe I could write about ice creams later. But I am so-----

"Ring Tring Bling Fwing ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL, ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL, YOU LAZY BUFFOON" Alarm chimed violently.

"Young lady, you seriously need to cut that alarm out before I throw your phone to shatter into a million little pieces and you would be regretting your existence"

Jeez mom, thats your own daughter's lovely voice recorded as an Alarm so that I can finally come into senses.
"Not gonna happen mommmaaaa" I shouted.

Well guess I should pack things up and run to school.

I ironed my uniforms, piled up all the books and filled it in my backbag. The clock shows sharp 8:00am and I think its time for me to run.

"Goodbye mom, see you soon"

"Hey your lunch is on the table, take it !!"

I took the lunch. Went right into the kitchen and gave a peck on her cheeks.
"You know that I wont forget the lunch ever momma even if I forgot myself someday, you know by chance. Ahh nevermind!"  I saw her smile, what more would I ever want?

I slowly pushed the door of my parent's room and kissed my little brother on his forehead, who was still fast asleep on his little bed and waved dad 'yo, I am off' gesture and rushed to school.

As I walk past the streets I noticed that the sun was still asleep behind the clouds. Guess it will come out soon.

When She Flapped Her WingsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat