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The witches gathered around the slab of marble surrounded by a pool of crystal clear water. Each one wore black, though it was styled differently for the individual. All had sheer robes on over their clothes, and their hands were raised. Bracelets and necklaces and rings clinked as they chanted, the glowing crystals on the roof of the cavern lighting it for them. Fireflies danced along to their words, almost like they understood the importance of what they did once a month in the cavern.

The person lying on the slab, trapped in sleep for years before and possibly years to come, remained as lifeless as ever. The only indication that they were alive was the steady rise and fall of their chest, wrapped in white cloth instead of regular clothing.

The witches' chants grew louder, echoing along the dark rock walls. The witches started to move, all eight of them stepping to the side in unison, circling the pool. With each step, it seemed like the cavern was twirling with more and more life, poured into the water by the women that chanted and danced.

The witches continued to chant and dance, calling out in different languages, but all with the same message; heal, live, awake, protect.

"Heal, live, awake, protect.

Heal, live, awake, protect.

Heal, live, awake, protect.

Heal, live, awake, protect.

Heal, live, awake, pro--"

The person on the slab gasped, their eyes flinging open. They sat up, shivering from head to toe, taking gasping breaths.

The witches broke off in shock, all freezing for a split second. In all the generations of witches, the person had never awoken for anyone--until then.

One witch, the leader of the chants, rushed forward through the water, pulling her robe off and throwing it over their shoulders. "Go get Aviana! Go, go, now!"

The person looked at her, still gasping for air, unable to speak.

The witch put one arm around them, then looked at the other witches. "Go! Tell her that Ekta has awoken!"

The witches rushed off, practically brimming with excitement.

Ekta had awoken. It was time for the prophecy to be fulfilled.

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