"We should've sacked him and dragged him along", Andy whispered.

     Remus ran into the common room and ran back out with some book. I sighed, he could've made it less suspicious. 

     "Moony the library is the other way", Sirius said.

     "I know that but um...uh, I also have to...um...send an owl to my uh, mom", Remus badly lied again.

     "Can't you d-do that-t late-r-r", Peter asked.

     "Um...no, bye", Remus said running away.

     After Remus ran away to who knows where. The Marauders just stood there dumbfounded. 

     "Maybe he is meeting Mary", Sirius guessed.

     James burst out laughing, "Remus is too much of a wimp to ask out Mary".

     James, Sirius, and Peter went into the common room. Great now we have to go find Remus.

     "You could've sacked me and dragged me away", Remus said from behind us, looks like he found us first.

     Andy and I jumped.

     "Told you we should've sacked him", Andy whisper-yelled.

     "Okay let's go, Remus, Andy saw me fighting a monster so now II have to explain since I am too weak to bend the mist", I said dragging Andy and Remus to the kitchens.

     When we got to the painting of the fruit bowl I tickled the pear. I giggled and a doorknob came to place. I turned it and we went inside.

     In a pop, my favorite house-elf was here, "Ms. Olympus well I guess it is Ms. Potter now".

     "You still didn't tell me what you mean by Asterope Potter", Andy said.

     "I will explain wait, Poppy can you just get us some hot chocolate and cookies", I asked.

     "Anything for Mistress", Poppy said and disappeared.

     We sat down at a small table wait we waited for the snacks. I think it will be easier to explain if I IM Anna and Silena, they will probably be awake because of the time difference.

     I took a deep breath, "Okay, I am going to call one of my friends, Remus you don't know this yet.

     I took out a golden drachma and put the glass of water that was on the table on the edge, I used some of my lightning powers to make a rainbow and said, "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering, show me Annabeth Chase, Camp Half-Blood".

     Suddenly Annabeth, Silena, and Nico appeared. Nico was scrunching his face up as Silena was running around. 

     Nico saw me, "Asteroep thank the gods please save me". 

     Remus and Andy gasped, "Whoa".

     "Aster", Silena, Anna, and the Aphrodite cabin yelled.

     "Wait, oh, everyone out", Silena yelled at her sisters and brothers.

     They objected and left.

     "Nico, leave", Annabeth yelled.

     "What, wait never mind I can leave the hellhole", Nivo said running out.

     They sighed, "Finally everyone is out, so let me guess those to behind you found out".

     "Yeah, this is Remmy and this is Andy", I introduced first pointing at Remus and then pointing at Andy.

     "So Remus already knows but Andy just saw me fight a hydra 10 minutes ago", I said.

     "Okay then Aster, start off by telling them what you are", Silena babied me.

     I rolled my eyes, "Well, we are something called a demigod, I am a daughter of Zeus and Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, and Silena daughter of Aphrodite".

     Annabeth continued, "When the Greek gods and goddesses would come down to earth they would...mingle around with the human's kids that would be us, demigods".

     "Demigods don't have a long life they usually die before they reach about the age 25, they get killed by monsters, that's why our lives are dangerous", Silena added.

     We explained everything that I explained to Remus except the part where I was really Asterope Potter.

   "Okay but that doesn't explain why the monster thing called you Asterope Potter", Andy said confused.

     "She will explain it, you won't believe it just like me", Remus said.

     "I am James Potter's twin sister, well half twin", I said, I explained how we were related and how I ran away from home.

     "Whoa that's so cool, so only Remus and I know", Andy asked.

     "Yeah so you can't tell anyone, please", I pleaded.

     "I promise as long as you don't tell anyone about Ted and I", Andy agreed.

     "What about Ted", Remus asked confused.

     "Nothing", Andy and I quickly said.

     "By Anna and Silena, I'll talk to you later", I told them.

     "Bye", they said.

     I swiped the message away.

     The one thing I have never to anyone is why I ran away in the first place. No one knows, not even Silena or Anna. It's something I want to forget about for the rest of my life.

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