First Days are the Worst Days

Start from the beginning

"Well my name's Demetri and our friend is Eli."


The boy whispered quietly. That you would in turn wave at him happily.

You pulled out the straw basket from below. And placed it in front of you. You opened the basket. And would pull out the items inside.

Bao and a slice of rice cake.

You placed the items down neatly. And pulled out a bottle of green tea.

Everyone there looked at the food in front of you with wonder. And you quickly ate everything inside of that basket.

You finished eating and placed the basket onto the floor.

"Hey look at this guy he thinks he's Chinese."

You looked over to the source of the sound. Finding it be an Asian face with a god awful hair style. You let out a laugh remembering your messy hairstyle was pretty ok.

"I was born there after all."

"Damn so you aren't even supposed to be here?"

"Yeah he's probably an immigrant."

Your smile faded and your darker side began to radiate.

"That's enough Kyler."

Kyler? What an awful Chad name. If Tyler and Kyle weren't awful enough.

"Hey stay out of this Rhea."

"Look just move on with your life. Move on into prosperity."

You looked away and Kyler. quickly moved his hand towards you. You quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it down. Stopping him from moving.

"Like I said move on into prosperity. Or the flames of hatred will consume you."

You pushed him away with ease and you looked over to Miguel.

Who only gave a nod. Which you didn't understand. You jumped out of your seat. And looked to the 4 in front of you.

"What are you going to Kung Fu kid?"

"Do I really want to fight him?"

You ran the situation through your head. You prepared a stance when Miguel suddenly stood up.

"Why don't you shut the hell up Kyler?"

"What? Are you going to use that lame ass karate?"

"It's not lame ass karate."

Before you knew it a fight broke loose. You stepped back and watched the scene. Until it eventually ended. With Miguel sitting on top of the table with a red tray.

You smiled seeing this. Until a teacher came up to grab him and pull him away.

You went on with your day and soon school ended.

Already the first day had gone by and you were involved in a fight. Then again you got into many fights before even though you were a peaceful person.

You waited outside the school for Miguel. You wanted to see what a true master of this karate could do. And you needed the exercise.

Miguel walked up to you and with a satisfied smile spoke.

"Are you ready?"


He nodded taking the lead on front of you. And you followed him closely. You ran the fight before through your head remembering each of Miguel's moves.

"Hey Miguel."


"How much power do you use in your legs?"

"Oh um I don't know."

"Well y'see you use too much at times. And fatigue will run up your muscles leaving you to be useless at times."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, don't need those pretty legs of yours to fall off."

He let out a laugh making you smile.

He let out a laugh making you smile

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