Chapter 28 - Welcome Back, Old Friend

Start from the beginning

"Nope," Tony said. I lept onto the wall, running against it while using my hand to stay on.

Cap used a similar move, while Snake just flew over.

 "Wow. Like riding a bike I guess," Tony said, watching the two. I suddenly became acutely aware that neither had a shirt, and Snake only had a bra to cover the important bits.

 "It's down from here. You ready to jump?" Tony asked. I lept, rolling to not break anything and hinder our daring escape.

"Tony. What's...what's happening--" Cap asked. 

"Well, it's a...long story," Tony trailed off. 

"How long were we...?" Snake asked.

 "Uh, well...5 years! Which by your standards is just a power nap. Maybe a little more for Taipan," Tony admitted.

 "Starting to think people just prefer me on ice," Cap muttered.

"See! You're already making jokes! Corney ones, but that's normal for you!" Tony joked.

 "I recognize you from somewhere, kid. For some reason, my mind goes to evil robots..." Cap muttered.

 "UYESU khristu! That was...another life," I exclaimed. As we tried to pass through a door, a hologram of Dr. Rappaccini appeared. 

"Captain Rogers and Snakebite. Don't leave us just yet," She said.

 "What is this?" Cap and Snake muttered. 

"Monica! Long time, no see!" Tony exclaimed. 

"Can't imagine your buddy Tarleton was too thrilled about using superhero blood to replace superheroes," I said. 

"He leaves the details to me. Stop what you're doing. Now," She ordered. 

"Wait a minute. Georgie doesn't know about any of this?" Tony asked.

"And he never will," Keys were clacking as Tony was trying to open the door so we could continue our daring escape plan. 

"Self-destruct sequence initiated," A voice over the PA said.

 "Uh oh. I think we made her mad," Tony muttered. 

"Really? How could you have ever gathered that?" I sneered. 

"I'm liking you more every second, kid," Snake muttered.

"Tony!" Cap shouted.

 "I'm working on it!" He snapped.

 "Alright, got it. Let's go!" We took running again, AIM bots crawling out of seemingly nowhere.

 "What the hell?!" Cap exclaimed. 

"Oh don't mind the killer robots!" Tony said.

"Hurry! Get it open!" Cap ordered.

 "I'm trying! For a dead guy, you're really pushy!" Cap and Snake entered combat mode, while I flung shadow balls at the Synthoids. 

"I'm gonna have to brute-force this thing," Tony admitted.

 "Why didn't you start with that?!" Snake exclaimed.

 "Damn thing is jammed! Help me out here!" Cap ran over and the two forced the door open.

"Tony?!" Cap exclaimed as the Proto-Synthoids smashed through the glass.

 "We've got company!" He exclaimed. 

"Hold on. I've got this," The darkness spread out my arms, and tendrils wrapped around each of the bots, the darkness seeping into them and destroying them from the inside. I let darkness flood the room, something I had forgotten I could do, and we booked it, but more started appearing.

I was loopy but kept running for the sake of my life.

 "Watch that glass, Cap! It can't hold your weight!" The hallway we were in kept twisting and turning, but we kept going. 

"Almost there, you guys!" Tony arrived at the door first, using a laser to melt it open.

 "Tony! Hurry!" Snake exclaimed. 

"Got it! Just buy me some time!" Cap ripped a vent cover off, flinging it at the bots.

We all slipped into the escape pods just as the satellite blew up.

a/n The memes hath returned! And so have I! Sorry about the long break!

a/n The memes hath returned! And so have I! Sorry about the long break!

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Shoutout if you know what I'm talking about.

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