"Stop admiring me from the doorway, it's off-putting" Nathan said suddenly, stopping his piano playing and turning his head to look at me with a smirk plastered across his face.

"I wasn't admiring you" I scoffed, "I was admiring the song, but you've ruined it now"

"Shut up and come over here" he tutted, shaking his head playfully. I secured my towel tighter around myself and walked over to the large piano stool. Nathan shifted over a little so I had more room as I sat down in the small space next to him. He placed his fingers on the keys again, beginning to play a different tune, one that I recognised this time. I leant my head against his shoulder as he began to sing.

"If it hurts this much,
Then it must be love,
And it's a lottery,
I can't wait to draw your name.
Oh, I'm trying to get to you,
But time isn't on my side,
The truth's the worst I could do,
And I guess that I have lied.

Keeping me awake,
It's been like this now for days,
My heart is out at sea,
My head all over the place,
I'm losing sense of time,
And everything tastes the same,
I'll be home in a day,
I fear that's a month too late.

That night i slept,
On your side of the bed so,
It was ready when you got home,
We're like noughts and crosses in that
Opposites always attract"

As he reached the end of the chorus, he stopped abruptly, his fingers leaving the keys as the tune faded out.

I lifted my head up from his shoulder and turned my head to look at him. For some reason, he looked anxious. He was rubbing his hands together awkwardly and then ran them through his hair like he always does when he's nervous.

"What's up?" I asked, placing my hand in his arm.

"Nothing" he shook his head, before swallowing, "er..."

"Is it because I'm wearing a towel?" I joked, "are you worried that you won't be able to control yourself?"

"No" he shook his head, half rolling his eyes at me, before opening his mouth to say something else and then changed his mind. I was a little confused by his sudden change in behaviour, and a little worried too.

"Seriously, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just..." he trailed off before cupping my face and kissing me deeply. I kissed him back for a moment until he pulled away again, his eyes scanning over my face.

"I want to ask you something" he told me. I blinked, wondering why he was telling me this and not asking me whatever it is he wanted to ask me.

"Okay..." I replied, encouraging him to go on. He took a deep breath and rubbed his sweaty hands against his jeans, before standing up and stepping around the stool. He placed his hands on either side of my legs to push me around so I was facing away from the piano. I didn't question why, just let him do it. Then he placed his hands on either side of my face, bending his knees a little so his face was level with mine

"I really, really love you" he said, "and I promise to never stop loving you for as long as I live and I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off with another brief kiss to my lips. After a moment or so, he pulled away and kneeled down in front of me on one knee. His hand reached into his pocket and retrieved a small box.

"Sophie Isabella McKinnon" he opened the box to reveal a gorgeous silver ring with two small diamonds either side of a slightly larger one in the middle, "will you marry me?"

To be quite honest, I was a little shocked. Okay, a lot shocked. The last thing I'd been expecting today was a proposal from my boyfriend. I guess it had explained why he was acting so weird and nervous earlier.

"Will I get an answer soon or are you gonna leave me hanging?" He chuckled, though it was a slightly nervous chuckle.

"Sorry" I mumbled, hiding my face in my hands for a moment as I got my head around what was happening, "yeah" I nodded, "yeah, course I will, you stupid prat"

He grinned, standing up and grabbing my hands so I was stood up too, before enveloping me tightly in his arms. I hugged him back tightly, nuzzling my face into his neck. After a few moments, he lifted his head up before pushing his lips against mine. I leaned against him, my body moulding into his and my hands resting on either side of his face.

"I really, really love you too" I smiled, making Nathan grin back at me, before pulling away.

"Here" he began, pulling the ring gently out of the box, before taking a hold of my left hand and sliding the ring onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly.

"It's beautiful" I said, admiring the way the ring sparkled in the light.

"Like my fiancée" he smiled, nudging my nose with his.

Fiancée? It sounded so odd, but really fucking amazing at the same time.

"God, you're my fiancée now" he chuckled, "I'm not really your boyfriend anymore, how weird is that?"

"Really weird" I nodded, "but in a good way"

"I'm not going to lie, I half-expected you to initially say 'no' just to wind me up" he laughed.

"That does does sound like something I would do" I smirked, "but I was a bit too shocked to think of that, kinda wish I had now"

"Well, I'm not doing it again" he mumbled, shaking his head playfully, "it was scary enough the first time"

I smiled, thinking back to how nervous he seemed earlier.

"You had nothing to worry about" I told him, sliding my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his. I felt him smile into the kiss, and with a grip on my waist, pulling my body closer to his. My lips parted, tasting his mouth on my tongue as my fingers threaded into his hair. I felt his hands curl around the thick material of the towel and gently tug it away, moments before I heard it drop to the ground by my feet with a quiet thud. Nathan's hands grasped my thighs, lifting me up until my legs were clamped around his waist. He walked the two of us over to the side of the piano, neither of us breaking the kiss, before he put me down so I was sat on the edge of the piano, my hands unbuckling his belt as he pulled his shirt over his head and discarded it on the floor.

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Nathan and Sophie Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن