2- This is all your Fault!

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"This is all your fault!" She growled from beside him as they walked.

"It's your fault. First you show up late, insult me, call us inbreeders, then throw papers around!" He whined listing them on his fingers.

"You are inbreeders!" She threw her arms in front of her as they walked quickly side by side to McGonagall's office.

"Shut up! You actual pathetic Mud blood!" He huffed.

She ignored him. "I was talking to my friends, you know, the people who actually want to be my friend? I guess you wouldn't know much about those, would you?" She gave him a sarcastic smile and clutched her bag tighter.

"Hermione dear, you have no friends! They're your friends because you basically saved the world, and you're famous." He rolled his eyes.

"Draco, the only people who'd ever be friends with you are only in it for your money and reputation," They reached her office and went up the stairs, and stood in front of a surprised McGonagall's desk who was just about to greet them with a smile when Hermione yelled at him. "Oh! But isn't your reputation a Death Eater now?" She fake pouted and he clenched his fists, taking out his wand. McGonagall gasped. Hermione took out hers and pointed it at him.

"Shut up, a Mud blood is worse than a Death Eater!" He breathed.

"It's not, and put that down, we all know you aren't actually going to do anything with it." She laughed and he fired a spell she dodged just in time. His spell had broken a vase behind her. She looked at him wide eyed.

"It is! And would you like me to do something worse?" He offered taking a step towards her.

"That- That is enough!" McGonagall sputtered and Hermione's heart dropped, putting her wand away like she hadn't just threatened someone in front of the Headmistress!

"Oh, hello Headmistress." Draco said calmly to her, pocketing his wand.

"Miss, it's not what it looks like! Malfoy is the one who!-"

"Don't listen to her, the muppet doesn't know what she's talking about-"

"I beg your pardon!" Hermione put her hands on her hips. "A muppet! A muppet?" And he nodded like it was most obvious.

"You're thick headed, you know that right?" She told him in a low voice.

"At least I know how-"

"Enough! Enough, enough, enough!" She yelled at them, interrupting Draco. "Sit down and tell me why you're here!"

Hermione sat down calmly and Draco sat down slowly after her, glaring.

"He took my note away from me, which had, very private information, may I add!-"

"Granger, if I had wanted to know what was on the note I would of looked into your mind easily." He sighed rolling his eyes, giving McGonagall a look that told her Hermione was out of her mind. The Headmistress rolled her eyes and was about to speak.

"Do you see this miss? He just said he would break into my mind to find out private information!" She said worriedly, touching her head.

Draco rolled his eyes at her. "Don't be a wuss."

"Okay." The teacher sighed. "I will go to your Potions class right now and get to the bottom of this, you two stay here and I will know if anything happened!" She eyed Draco first then Hermione. She fixed her glasses and made her way out of the office, leaving the two alone in silence. Hermione kept tapping her foot worriedly and playing with her school skirt.

"Granger, I'm being serious, stop it before I seriously hurt you." He threatened and she stopped for a moment. He was actually going to say thank you, when she started tapping her foot even louder, with both feet and tapped her hands on McGonagall's desk.

Draco stood up and made his way to her and at the same time Hermione got up and walked backwards, her arms out in front of her.

"Get away, you're so sensitive." She said pushing past him and sitting back down. He didn't go back and went to the window she was almost about to bump into. He looked outside of it. First years were learning how to fly, and Hufflepuff Quidditch Practices happening. He scoffed. They were so bad they needed lessons during class, not just after school! So they missed classes just for extra Quidditch. Beating them was easy. He was going to win the game this Thursday. But he needed to go a long the plan with his friends Theo, Blaise, and the rest of the team.

Hermione had turned in her seat to him. "Why don't you open it and get out too, Malfoy?" He turned around calmly. "Granger, don't make me lift you up by your shirt and throw you out like a measly stick outside this window right here." He said pointing to it.

"You wouldn't, coward." She rolled her eyes and opened her book. He rolled her eyes at her idiocy and went back to looking out the window for a while.

He had noticed the Headmistress was taking a long time but he didn't mind, he didn't want to face the consequences and besides, he was out of class.

What more could he want?

Draco smiled to himself at the idea as he looked towards the front gates of the castle, and squinted his eyes to see.

He couldn't believe it.

The gates were blasted open, and some of the grass had caught on fire. McGonagall was surrounded by a few teachers and Aurors. They were wearing the training uniforms, which meant they were new. Why were Aurors here? And why were the new inexperienced ones here?

He scoffed, they all looked like Mud bloods, like Granger. He looked back to her and glared at the back of her head reading a book. He turned back to the scene and the teachers were gone, they'd ran, and many seconds later, men in big cloaks and masks had entered the broken gates, all dressed the same, in a uniform, and his heart dropped ever so slightly, but not a lot. They were Death Eaters, and as he saw them running inside the school his left arm tingled slightly.

I guess the only reason his heart dropped even a little was seeing the Death Eaters again, enter the school, but he wasn't worried, they were only a few, what could they even do anyway? They were just in denial. Couldn't even get over their loss. He rolled his eyes.

Loud alarms trumpeted in his ears and he looked around the room in confusion, and then at Hermione, who closed her book, and slowly stood up, a bit of panic on her face.

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