With the Olympians Part 1

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OMAKE: Diana's Adventures in Percy Jackson & the Olympians

Summer Solstice

Olympus, 600th Floor of the Empire State Building, Manhattan NY

POV Zeus, the Lord of the Sky and King of the Gods

Me: Poseidon! How many times must I say that Lightning is so much cooler than your stupid storms?

Poseidon: But brother, I believe that our disasters match our personalities. Your lightning is over in a flash while I, like a storm, can maintain that passion and strength for days on end.


I grabbed my Master Bolt just as the other gods began to snicker at Poseidon's comment. How dare he...I am King! A King shouldn't have to suffer these humiliations from his subjects.

Me: Now you listen here brother! I don't care much about the—

I paused. I paused because I felt something appear out of nowhere in the sky. High above the United States...nearly even above my domain but barely within its boundaries. I couldn't identify who it was...strange.

Me: Someone just entered the upper atmosphere...and I cannot tell who it is

Poseidon: Oh~ So you mean that there is someone in your domain and you couldn't even tell who? Or even what?

This really was strange. I knew everything that entered the sky. From Demigods on Pegasi, to mortals on planes and even down to the smallest birds learning to fly. But who was this being to be able to escape my view? My sight?

Me: ...This isn't normal. I cannot take this matter lightly.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

Thunder rumbled behind the Empire State Building as I regained the order in the room. Laughter disappeared from Poseidon's face as he realized I was being serious. There were very few beings who could escape sight from a god's domain. Father, grandfather, and perhaps some who were equally as powerful. Whoever it was...it wasn't a good sign.

Me: Hermes

Hermes: Yes father?

My son turned to me with his mischievous nature gone. All duty

Me: Find who it is and report to me. I want to know as soon as possible...now.

With a nod, he turned into a swirl of wind and was gone. I could only hope that whoever this was wasn't a threat or held no ill will. If this being was anything like father...

I shivered

Hopefully there wouldn't be a repeat of the Titanomachy War. One was already enough.

POV Diana

Entering the upper atmosphere of a very familiar world was not something I had expected but not something unwelcome. In all honesty, I had missed Earth. Sure it wasn't a place I would call home anymore with staying in All Blue (Planet name for the One Piece World) for over 4000 years as well as a couple centuries in our new one...still, it was nostalgic.

The first thing I immediately noticed as I glanced down at the world was that...it was messy. Very very messy. While I was second only to my sister in the use of magic, it didn't come naturally to me like mana did to her. Still, through the enhancement of my eyes, I was able to see the many many layers this world had.

I could tell that this was not my Earth but rather a parallel or a different version at least. My old world held no God, or gods...but this one was filled with them. There were so many to count but I could separate their root powers from a couple sources.

Plot Breaker;  H.Potter and P.Jackson Short StoriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat