
"Whatever," I mumbled unhappily and moved to sidestep him but he shifted, and I was suddenly stuck between the island and him. A little course of excitement shamelessly ran up my spine as I stared up at him.

"A 'thank you' won't be enough."


He leaned in, leaving even less space between us, then shook his head.

"Then what will?"

An almost wicked glint lit his dark eyes before he spoke again, "revenge. Only revenge can satisfy and make up for the damages."

Ignoring the traitorous excitement than ran down my spine again, I laughed, "damages? You're ridi–" I started but gasped as his hands moved to my butt and— grabbed!

"What is it they say again? An eye for an eye or a butt for a butt?" He mused and I shoved him away then held unto my butt protectively. He was laughing now, his eyes crinkling by the sides.

"You are like five years old."

He grinned wolfishly, "I also remember you groping me somewhere else," his eyes went down to my chest suggestively.

"Oh no, you don't," my eyes widened and I tried running to the other side of the kitchen but he was faster. "William!" I squealed as he lifted me from behind and soon the world was spinning. Half a minute must have passed before he finally obeyed my pleas to be put down.

"You–" I started but stopped to catch my breath and regain my senses, "you are so petty!" I jabbed his chest.

"You know you completely deserved it," he grinned then caught my hand in his and pulled me closer. An okay-you-may-be-right smile would have formed on my lips too if our eyes didn't meet letting the impropriety of the whole moment abruptly hit us. He released my hand and his grin slowly disappeared while I shuffled on my feet and moved away from him.

"I'm going to work in my study." He broke the loud silence first.

"You're not going to be the chivalrous gentleman and drop me off?" I asked stopping his stride and possibly, the awkwardness.

"Where's the pride you usually carry when I'm almost begging you to let me drop you off?" He folded his arms.

"Begging? More like forcing but what can I say, I'm a bit of a cheap skate these days and pride does come before a fall."

"Come look for me when you're ready." He smiled and left the kitchen.

A myriad of thoughts wanted to cloud my head but I shook them all away. Shortly after, I was back in his room, in his closet searching for my discarded top from last night.

"How the hell did it get up there?" I muttered while reaching for my top that was dangling from a top shelve. Something fell as I got hold of the top, hitting my head squarely.

"Ow," I glared at the material offensively; it was a file. I picked it up but about to return it, paused. The letters written on the front caught my eye. FMG. They seemed a little familiar but unable to place them anywhere, I shrugged it off and returned the file. I kept my top in an empty shopping bag I found laying around then tucked William's white shirt into my skirt and went out to find my boots.

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