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An Hour Earlier. West-Reeve School. Metropolis. 3 pm.


The school bell rung signaling the end of the day. Students ran out of their class rooms as one particular class room, a certain boy with a fade black hair cut and another boy with long messy black hair, wearing glasses were packing their things up.

"You finished yet, Kent?" Damian, 11 years old said coldly as he wore his bag, staring at Jon, 10 who was still packing up his things.

"Can't answer this questioooon..." Jon complained, groaning as he packed his pencils up in defeat. 

"Solved it." Damian scoffed, glancing over at his paper.

"Oh yeah?" Jon raised a brow, half believing Damian.

"Right idea, wrong formula... I'll teach you later... We'll be late." He complained. 

"It's 3 pm." Jon pointed out.

"We're doing Gotham tonight... Let's go..." Damian scoffed. "You take a really long time to change. TT." 

"No I don't." Jon pouted.

"Pennyworth's picking us up, quit whining, scoop." He smirked. Damian turned around to walk away, as Jon quickly followed. "You're staying at my place for 2 days... since your mom's overseas and your dad's in outerspace."

"Yay." Jon groaned. 

"Any problems?" Damian raised a brow.

"It's always training with you... My back hurts..." Jon complained, sticking his tongue out.

"Quit it." Damian growled, glaring at Jon. Both boys walked out of the classroom as they walked towards the back sports field of the school. As they walked both boys walked past a teacher.

"Hey, Mr. Barkley!" Jon waved.

"Hello, Jonathan." Mr. Barkley greeted happily, smiling. "Mr. Wayne." He said, coldly without emotion as he looked at Damian, annoyed.

"I trust that you correct YOUR mistakes on my physics test, Mr. Barkley." Damian scoffed as they walked away.

"Silver-spooned, pompous, self-righteous punk." Mr. Barkley growled under his voice as he walked away, shaking his head.

"I'm not training tonight." Jon reiterated. 

"Your loss, half-breed." Damian scoffed as both boys made their way to the sports field, as a helicopter, started to land. The chopper blades made the grass sway vigorously as it descended slowly to the ground. The helicopter landed, with the blades calming down, as it slowed down until completely stopping. The pilot was dressed sharply as he exited the helicopter. white shirt, black trousers, grey waistcoat and a black coat. He wore sleek black shoes, white gloves as he fixed his tie as he closed the helicopter door. "Pennyworth." Damian greeted, coldly.

"Master Damian. Master Jon." Alfred greeted back.

"Hiya Alfred!" Jon waved happily. Damian simply walked past the humble butler as he entered the helicopter. "How you been?" He smiled.

"Perfectly splendid, young man." Alfred smiled as he ruffled the young boy's hair, making his glasses crooked. "You are staying with us. I gathered?"

"Yeah... Dad's in outer space and mom's out of the country."

"You are always welcome in our household." Alfred said, welcomingly.

"Kent. Quit chatting and let's go." Damian called out.

"Let's go?" Jon raised a brow.

"Let's go." Alfred nodded as Jon followed inside the helicopter, sitting next to Damian. Alfred entered the helicopter as moments later it took off, with Alfred piloting. As Damian sat, he noticed that Jon was sitting next to him. There are 6 seats in this chopper and he sits next to me... Damian thought to himself. 

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