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Zeus is walking around the garden of Olympus one day and looks at how beautiful the place is. As he continues to walk around. He hears a voice crying to herself in a villa located at the center of the garden. He walks to where the voice is coming from and see who is the immortal that is crying. As he approaches the villa. It turns out that it's one of the muses who's been shedding a tear.

He decides to talk to her and ask her what's wrong.

Zeus: Calliope, what's wrong?

Calliope: Zeus-sama, I envy my friends. They're in love with each other. I'm happy for them. But somehow I don't really feel a genuine happiness in my heart.

Zeus: You feel like having a person who you can call your own. Am I correct?

Calliope: Yes Zeus-sama. You're correct.

Zeus: Is there not a single immortal here that interests you?

Calliope: I wish there are. But somehow I don't get attracted to them.

Zeus: Then who are you attracted to?

Calliope: I don't know have anyone in particular. That is why I want to ask permission to go down to human world. Maybe I might find the one that is destined for me.

Zeus: Are you sure about that Calliope? I mean, it's not like our world where there is no chaos and violence.

Calliope: Yes Zeus-sama. I'm sure of it.

Zeus: Alright then. I will allow you to go to the human world. However, on one condition.

Calliope: What is it Zeus-sama?

Zeus: That you will not reveal to the mortal about your true identity. If he or she finds out that you're a goddess. Your powers will disappear. And therefore turning you into a mere mortal.

Calliope: I understand Zeus-sama. I shall abide by your condition.

Zeus: Then you have my permission to go to the human world.

Calliope: Thank you very much Zeus-sama. By the way Zeus-sama.

Zeus: Yes Calliope?

Calliope: But what happens if my possible lover and I get into trouble? Can I use my powers in order to save us from harm?

Zeus: You shall only use it when needed. Like I said. You must not let anyone know that you're a goddess.

Calliope: I understand Zeus-sama.

As Calliope heads out to the human world. An Amazon warrior princess and her two friends are currently touring the city Demetria. One of them them starts a conversation with the warrior princess.

????: Isn't this city beautiful?

????: I know. That's why I chose to go to this place.

????: Helena, Althea wait for me!

Helena: Pipe down Chloe!

Althea: Yeah! You should be a little more careful in calling out our names.

Chloe: I'm sorry. It's just that you girls are walking too fast.

Helena: Well if you weren't buying too much stuff. You could have caught up with us.

Althea: That's right Chloe. Why did you buy so many stuff anyway?

Chloe: Because I just love these weapons their selling here.

Helena: And those weapons can cost you your life if we get into trouble.

Chloe: What do you mean?

Helena: I mean that we're an amazon tribe. And we're stealing things from the wealthy people.

Althea: And because you called out our names so loud, we don't know if there are any soldiers or bounty hunters lurking in this city.

Helena: Remember Chloe you have to be discreet about your actions. Otherwise we would be running away from them again.

Chloe: I'm sorry......

The minute Chloe says sorry to Althea and Helena. A small group of bounty hunters are walking towards them. Helena quickly notices them and whispers to Althea and Chloe.

Helena: "Althea, Chloe we better get going. We got trouble coming our way."

Althea and Chloe: "Right"!!

As the three Amazons slowly walk away from the bounty hunters. They ready their swords under their cloaks. Chloe readies her two short swords. Althea on the other holds her broadsword on her back. Helena prepares her long sword and shield. All three of them head to an open area where they can fight without breaking anything and unintentionally destroying some of the stalls in the market area.

Meanwhile Calliope has just descended from Olympus and is in the other side of Demetria. She goes inside the city and walks around. She is awed by the beauty of the city. Not wanting to attract too much attention. She begins to move from one place to another. She then secretly uses her powers inside her brown cloak to produce money out of nowhere. And once it is touched by a human. It will never disappear from their sight. On the other side of Demetria. Helena, Althea, and Chloe have reached the entrance/exit point of the city where they have entered.

The bounty hunters have followed them to where they are now. All of them draw their weapons and start charging at the three Amazons. They have the numbers to defeat the three women. However, the three warriors are very skilled and well trained. And they have experienced being outnumbered in a battle. This one is no exception. Chloe drops her excess baggage and gets into a fighting stance. Helena and Althea does the same thing. Sure enough the bounty hunters begin attacking them from all directions.

But they couldn't match the strength of the well trained Amazons. In the end they all end up swimming in their own blood. Some of them have their body parts decapitated. The others were instantly killed. The three women put on their hooded cloaks and enter the city once again. They wiped the blood away from their swords and put them back in their sheaths. While she was busy looking at the different stalls on the street.

Calliope didn't realize that she is about bump into Helena who is busy glancing left and right for any possible threat. The two women are now on a collision course of each other. Sure enough both women bump into each other. Their hoods falling down to their backs. Thus revealing their faces. Helena is instantly awed by the beauty of Calliope. The former apologizes to the latter for what happened between them.

????: I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. So I wasn't able to see you coming.

Helena: It's ok. At least you are not a threat who's always after my head. I'm Helena, and these are my childhood friends Althea and Chloe.

Althea and Chloe: Nice to meet you.

????: Nice to meet you too. I'm Elena.

Helena: Elena...... What a beautiful name. It almost sounds like my name.

Elena: Are you three buying things for yourselves?

Althea: Yes we are. We all wanted to buy something to make us more beautiful. Except for Chloe here who seems more fascinated with swords.

Chloe: Hey! That's not true. (Accidentally drops a sword from her big pouch as she tries to spank Althea.) Oops...... Hihi! I drop something.

Elena: It's ok. I have to go now. My father might get worried about me.

Helena: Would you like us to escort you on the way to your home?

Elena: Oh no. That's not necessary. Besides my house is very far from here.

Helena: Ok...... If you say so. If you get into trouble just shout my name. I will come to you in an instant.

Elena: Ok. I really have to go now. Goodbye ladies.

All three of them: Goodbye Elena.

As all four ladies part ways. Elena going to a secret location where she can use her powers to get back to Olympus. Helena on the suddenly feels a surge of emotion after meeting Elena. This is something that will be tested throughout the course of their starcrossed lives. The hands of fate has played its hand on the Goddess and the Amazon.

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