Helga's Christmas

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Important note from the Author: 

I am so excited for you all to read this story. This story was created to explore the relationship between Helga and Arnold beyond TJM. HOF isn't for the faint of heart as it has some heavy topics Family, Loss, Teen drinking and Codependency. TWs will be posted before every chapter. Don't get discouraged, because at the same time HOF has so much heart that will give you equal parts fluff, friendship, tenderness, and more. The ending and the journey is worth it, so stick with HOF! I will not abandon this story. I am already 18 chapters in with a full outline to carry us to the end.

Please Vote and Review. Let me know you are enjoying HOF as much as I enjoy writing it. 333

Cover Art: sharkdarkx

TW: Teen Substance Abuse

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Hey Arnold, Doi! I only own my headcanon, the plot, and everything else. Enjoy!


The sky was a light shade of blue, peeking from behind a sheet of thick white clouds. The teenager wrapped her pink coat tightly around her slender body, as the air turned her cream cheeks a soft shade of pink. She kept spitting out the loose strands of blonde hair. She removed the strands that stuck to the glitter lip gloss that her older sister, Olga had insisted she wear. "Criminy, I wish my pigtails didn't grow so long." She pulled at one of her long pigtails. She cursed them for not being able to stick to the sides of her head like they used to. She moved the extra strands of hair that gravitated towards her blue eyes. "This beanie isn't even helping." she clenched her teeth and adjusted the lavender beanie before she let out a heavy groan. Once she reached the corner, she looked at her watch and hurried her pace. When she reached her destination, the teen leaned against the metal gate and closed her eyes to catch her breath. She leaned from against the gate, adjusted herself, and brushed off her pink pants. She took a few more deep breaths and felt warm fabric against her eyelids.

"Helga," His warm breath brushed against her ear and she couldn't help but smiled at the sound of his voice. He removed his gloves from her eyes. She opened them and arched her brow at the sight.

"Really, Football Head, this is your surprise?" She shook her head.

"Helga, who doesn't love Christmas trees?"

"I mean I guess they're okay."

"Okay?" He wrapped his arms around her waist which caused her cheeks to deepen in shade.

She settled her breath to continue. "Bob, brings one home, so Miriam and Olga can decorate it." she shrugged. "Psss, the only time I engage with the thing is to get my presents from underneath it" She crossed her arms over her chest. "You gotta give it to the Patakis, they're all about big and flashy." He put his chin on her shoulder.

"Well, at least you're not like that." He said into her ear. She looked over her shoulder and met his grin. She rolled her eyes at the sight.

"Who says I'm not, Football Head?" She smirked and looked back at the different trees .

"I know you're not."

"Yeah? How so?" She bit her lip to conceal her smirk.

"Just a gut feeling." He rubbed his cheek against hers.

"If it's your gut, then it's not trustworthy." She giggled

"Why not?" He leaned closer to her ear.

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