Chapter Six; The kidnapping

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Wilbur flopped on a bed, people were buzzing around him, but the brunette didn't take notice. His left leg throbbed in pain, in the in infirmary, sat him Tubbo and his two brothers. They all were injured, except the eldest, he was just there to watch. "Wilbur? Are you okay?" Tommy said from the bed next to him, he was clutching his stomach. But he looked a million times better than the other day. The bandages on the brunettes left leg were stained red, like a predator's fur after eating. They have been in the infirmary for a couple of days now, and on the way on horseback back to the castle, they decided a wolf had attacked them, for their "alibi". when they were off of their horses drinking, it bit them. Wilbur's gaze pointed at a huge window to the left of his bed, outside a black thing flew past in a rush, it was flying up and towards the castle's balcony. Wilbur thought it was some sort of bird, and brushed off the eerie feeling. The day was slowly coming to an end, the sun slipping from its podium. The brunette lays on their bed, he stares at the bricked ceiling, and counts all of them as he can, to try and make him fall asleep faster. Blue sheep jumped over fences, but only one lingering thought replaced and filled up his thoughts, in the corner of his vision, a hooded man lurked, then he ran out of the woods, he held a sword and an axe. He killed the sheep jumping and ran up to the sleeping middle child. His eyes widened, blood laced and becoming part of the man's lime green hood and threateningly terrifying smiley face upon his blood-stained mask. Then in a flash he was a heap on the floor, clutching his left leg, he could feel and hear his heart beating out of him, as blood spilled across the used too be nice landscape, everything was eerie and cobwebs lined every tree and fence, small splotches of red gliding liquid traced every inch of the vision, a heavy fog cooed around, making him only being able to make out the trees in the distance, the man smiled, as he finished the brunette off. "Dream!" Wilbur sat straight up, almost yelling the somewhat funny name, as he just had a nightmare about a man named dream. He rubbed his head gently and blinked the sleepiness out of his brown eyes. The infirmary was peacefully quiet, compared to yesterday. The sun was just able to be visible, sending a blinding orange and red lighting through the window and it's curtains. Wilbur stood, after day and nights of the same boring routine In the medical bed, and he nightmare rapidly replaying every night, when he closed his eyes he could feel his heartbeat increasing, blood staining the ground, and cobwebs trapping their prey in its trap, like an invisible maze with no exit, and a hungry predator is chasing after you. You can't escape. You can't escape... the painful words drummed and sent shivers down his spine in early autumn, an evil hooded freezing hand scraped down, making the brunette tense up, as he imagined Dream's gloved hands holding an axe and sword, covered In his sheep, friend's blood. Today he could leave the infirmary and continue his normal daily practices. But the cold shivers down his spine and fear of the hooded and masked figure kept him were he was, paralyzed. His lips were slightly parted, and his brown eyes were wild in fear, dark brown hair was measly thrown everywhere, and over his left eye, his beanie nearly falling off of his head, like a leaf in late autumn, not wanting to fall, but will be forced to by gravity. His beanie fell, with a small and soft noise, but like a waterfall in the eerie quietness of the room. The brunette groggily stood up, shaking like Tubbo when he was called to the throne room, he grabbed his black beanie and fixed it on his dark brown hair, he blinked and squeezed his eyes shut, "Wilbur? Why are you awake?"

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Corpse's world glowed, suddenly the light from the sun was beautiful, and not blinding, colors jumped out on him, paintings on the wall were so interesting he could look at it for hours, "good morning Corpse!" A shy and calming voice said, the black haired man didn't even need to look up to know he was smiling. "Good morning Sykkuno." He said, meeting the shorter boy's gaze, his brown hair was pushed to the left of his face, bright hazel eyes blink and stared at the taller man, glowing from the early morning sun. He wore a green and lime striped scarf around his neck and a dark green hoodie, Corpse smiled as the brunette waved for him to come inside, it was beautiful. A nice gray bed next to green wall paper, the sunlight poured the room, so he didn't even have to turn on a light or candle, his smile grew and grew as before the horribly boring room yesterday had turned into this wonderful work of art just by on boy. One chuckle or laugh from Sykkuno would make his whole week, even better if he was the one to make him laugh. "So do you wanna stroll around the castle, maybe we can see what king Toast is up to?" I forgot he is close friend with the king. "Uh yeah sure!" He said, a deep and velvety voice, being able to calm even the most stressed person, if the right words were said. Their footsteps echoed rhythmically throughout the seemingly empty hallways, they both walked side by side, "and I asked the market lady, what was your worst fear!" He black haired man said, finishing the funny story. Sykkuno's laugh echoed the hallways, lighting it up even more than the sun itself. "I thought I should be more social, but that was not the right way to start a conversation!" Corpse said, chuckling at his own story. "Oh hi Poki! Hi Rae!" Sykkuno said as two girls passed them, they stopped their conversation immediacy and turned around to greet the two older boys. "Corpse!" "Sykkuno!" They both said simultaneously, "Sykkuno!" "Corpse!" They said, saying the opposite name the spoke last time, the group of four burst into laughter, making the sun shrink In shame as it could not reach the level of light they filled the empty hallways with. The brown to Blonde girl wiped a tear from her eye, "oh my-!" Rae said, not being able to finish the statement, it was interrupted by her echoing laughter,
"Having fun without me?" A male's voice boomed though the hallways, "Toast!" Poki said, then immediately corrected herself, "your majesty!" Then she laughted it off, pushing her hair back behind her ear. "That's my name!" He said, mockingly pushing a little strand of black-brown hair behind his left ear, he tilted his head down, so we could see his bright cyan eyes behind his sunglasses, he smiled and laughed along with he other four, echoing through the hallways.
-End of Chapter Six-
2056 words wow that's a lot

The Four Kingdoms (fanfic) {featuring MCYT'S and Among Us YTbuer's}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu