I'm a school idol myself, so I did want to help out, but it seemed like they wanted so much from me for nothing in return.

The person running this event is a boy. He's not a school idol, so he has no idea what it feels like to be a school idol.

AYUMU: "What?!"

Yeah, he was pretty creepy when I met him. He's probably one of those producers with an idol fetish or something.

I know right?! He said that I was to blame for the festival's failure. He called me fickle.

He's only looking to add this to his résumé. He doesn't care about fun, all he wants is success.

This is an event for SCHOOL IDOLS! Meaning that he has no place in this. School idols need to be the focus of the SCHOOL IDOL Festival.

With someone like him in charge, this event had problems from the very beginning.

AYUMU: "No, that's not true!

I bet things wouldn't have turned out this way if µ's or Aqours were the focus of the event.

Exactly! Why is this 'Nijisaki' or whatever they're called running the whole thing? Never even heard of them.

Total nobodies.

Don't worry, it will all be better when their Chairman leaves.

He should be ashamed of himself. What a failure LOL!

Can't µ's or Aqours take over from them now? They've done way too much damage.

I'd totally join in if they did.

Yeah, me too!

Down with Nijigasaki!

Where's A-RISE when you need them?!

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