They were shouting colours at one another well trying to but they kept getting distracted by talking to one another to entertain the stream. It was hard to watch them almost miss the wall each time so I started telling Alex the colour thinking only he could hear me but the others could too.

"Blue behind you" I said

"Thanks y/n" Wilbur said

"Wait you guys can hear me?" I asked

"Yep so keep going" Fundy said

I kept telling them the colour each round even after Alex died because he was not paying attention at all. They all did really well that game and ended up in 5th overall which isn't bad after only 1 game.

The next game was sky battle which I had to explain to Alex and coach him through it as they went along. In the first round they did pretty good but in the second round Tommy managed to kill dream and Sapnap with tnt and still survive, he lived right to the end which really boosted their score. By this point I was way too involved to be sat on the bed so far away so I grabbed the stool that was at my mirror and pulled it closer to my set up so I could see the monitor. After the last round of sky battle they were in 3rd.

The next game to be played was rocket spleef which I knew Alex would hate even before it started. With some help from Tommy and Wilbur we explained how this game worked and basically told Alex to not worry about getting kills and just to stay alive for as long as possible. Wilbur told him to try and do the glitch that he did one time but I thought they patched that so I told him not to try that.

"Use your firework" I almost screamed as Alex fell

"Ok ok" he said pressing the button that sent him up in the air

"Sorry for yelling you just scared me" I said a lot quieter this time

"No shout at him more show him that you are better than him " Tommy said

"She is not better than me she's never even done MCC" Alex said

"If it wasn't against the rules I would tell you to let her play the next game to prove it" Tommy said

"Stop arguing and concentrate you two" I scolded

They payed attention after that and managed to do not too bad in the first round. In the second round Alex fell and got stuck on a block doing exactly what Wilbur did that one time. I was so impressed by him doing that he managed to move up a few places while other people fell around him. Someone tried to kill him by getting rid of the block he was stuck on but that didn't work at all. He lasted a bit longer before he fell leaving the others to try and stay in. After all 3 rounds they were in 3rd still and Fundy finished 2nd in the game.

The next game was ace race which I didn't know a whole lot about but whenever I had tried it before it was really hard. The others did their best to complete the course as fast as they could helping Alex a bit along the way but they mostly left me to give him guidance until they finished.

I tried my best but I really don't know how to play ace race so I was no use the both of us just kind of struggled together until Tommy tried to help. When I had talked to Tommy in the past he had always been incredibly hyper and way too loud at times but he was being really supportive and helpful, it was really sweet I liked seeing this calmer side of him it made him much easier to get along with. Alex did end up finishing in the end but it took him quite a long time.

"I'm sorry guys that was really bad" he said

"Don't say that you finished, all you had to do was finish it" I said

"Yeah dude you did great man" Tommy said

"Guys get #big Q support trending" I said

After ace race there was a break for fans to vote for the next game, whichever game gets the least amount of votes is the one that would be played. Tommy referred to it as likes time which was interesting, all of them tweeted telling people to vote for build mart because they didn't want to play it.

During the break I went to get some water for me and Alex seeing as we had time. I left the room trusting Alex not to break anything and ran down to the kitchen to fill up 2 water bottles, I also grabbed some M&Ms that I found in the cupboard.

"I found some M&Ms, do you want some?" I asked

"Hell yeah is that even a question" he responded

"The woman brought you food what a simp" Tommy said

"Hey you be quiet child or I'll call Phil" I said

"Sorry I take it back you're not a simp" he said

"Thank you" I said

The next game was to get to the other side which turned out not to be a great game for them because it dropped them down to 7th overall but they brought it back with build mart ending in 4th. Build mart is really boring and doesn't really change the scores a whole load but they managed to move up a few places because all of the points were super close.

Now it was the second to last game which was parkour which we all know I'm useless at so all I can do is watch. Fundy went on deafen to try and concentrate while the rest of us messed around, I watched Alex fall so many times that it was more of a surprise when he made a jump. He was getting so annoyed at himself when he kept failing on the same jump over and over I felt so bad because I could tell he felt like he was letting the team down which he wasn't at all he was doing great considering its his first time doing a lot of these games.

"You've got this maybe try going a bit more to the left" I said

He did a I suggested and he made the jump.

"Thank you wise one" he joked

I laughed while telling him another way to get the next jump. By the end Alex had made it a pretty good way through sure the others made it further and Fundy was in the top 5 but for someone who dies every two seconds in Minecraft he did good. After parkour they were in 4th going into the last game which had a lot of bonuses on the points so they could still win. Tommy wanted survival games because he thought they could do well on that one but sands of time was chosen.

The left Alex to find sand to fill the timer, he was also in charge of remembering what keys and vaults they had found. I helped him find sand around the arena as well as just down some of the tunnels, he happened to collect a fair amount of coins when I sent him down one of the tunnels for sand because there was just a pile of them there. When the timer got to 60 seconds and there was no more sand we got everyone to come back so we could bank our coins and not lose them just incase. It was a good decision because the other teams started coming through too and some didn't even make it and were in the cage.

Everyone waited for the points to be counted to see who was in the top 2 and who was going to play dodgebolt. I thought that they did really well in sands of time so they were in with a chance of getting into the top two.

The points came in and they ended up in 3rd but were only a few hundred coins off so it was super close. As much as it wasn't what they wanted it was still something to celebrate seeing as most people on the reddit had them placing in 8th or 9th.

Alex got out of my chair and stood up to stretch after being sat down for so long he also pulled me up from my seat and gave me a hug which was very unexpected but I hugged him back anyway. He didn't let go for quite a while he just hugged me tighter and I still had no idea why. Eventually he let go and went back to finish his stream so we could hang out for the rest of the day.

"As much as I appreciate a good hug why were you hugging me?" I asked

"I wanted to give you a hug because you helped me do so well without you I would have done so shit " he said giving me another hug

"Aww thats too sweet you did really good all on your own" I said

We let go again and went to chill for a bit before we decide what else we want to do today.

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