4: Friendship

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Song of the Chapter: Woh Din

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So I'm not really happy with this chapter. It's kinda like a filler chapter and I feel like it's too boring and clichy and stuff. Anyways, hope you like it. Also, please do comment. You're comments are the things which give me motivation to write during this hectic time. So vote, comment and share your thoughts.

Kritika(Go Read my AN you idiots):

We all sat in silence as I heard Aki and Naveen talk in their kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Nayana asked as she placed a hand on my arm. I nodded and snuggled closer into Jai's arms. After my breakdown a few hours ago, he didn't leave me at all, literally and figuratively. And currently I was sitting on his lap, trying to wrap my head around everything that happened.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled as I looked at Navya and Ridhi.

"Why?" She asked confused. I sighed.

"I'm being a crybaby and spoiling your-" I started, but never got to end it.

"How could you say that? You have every right to cry! So don't you dare apologise for that!" Navya yelled at me as she jumped out of Ritwik's arms and stood in front of me like an officer ready to attack. I looked at her with fear and looked down to see Ritwik gulping.

"Calm down Chotti(small/little one). She is already upset." Naveen said as he and Aki came out of their kitchen with a plate in his hand. Navya didn't argue and sat back down beside Ritwik. Naveen sat on the coffee table and extended the plate at me. There was a brownie on it.

"I want it." Ridhi mumbled, but Aki whispered something in her ear. Her mouth formed an 'o'.

"This is for you." Naveen held out the plate towards me. I sighed and took a small bite. As I chewed, a weird taste came in my mouth.

"What brownie is this?" I asked to Naveen.

"We bought it from the bakery around the corner." He said as I nodded. But I stilled when a sudden thought came into my mind. I sat up straight and chewed the brownie further.

"Kritika!" Jai yelled as I shot up from his lap, throwing the brownie back onto the plate and running towards the kitchen. As disgusting as it was, I spit the chewed brownie pieces into the sink.

"Naveen! I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as soon as most of the brownie was out of my mouth.


"Shit." Naveen muttered as Kritika came marching out of the kitchen.

"You fed me happy brownies?!" She shrieked as she neared Naveen and he darted around the coffee table.

"Happy brownies?" Navya asked surprised.

"Ya. No wonder it tasted so....Ugh! I'm going to kill you." Kritika said. As she chased Naveen around the coffee table, I turned towards Ritwik.

"Happy brownies?" I asked. He nodded with a chuckle.

"It contains marijuana." He said as my eyes widened.

"Oof." I heard Naveen say and turned around to see Naveen on the floor with Kritika on top of him with a murderous look.

"Do it girl!" Aakash yelled as Naveen glared at him. The next thing you know, Kritika is throwing punches at him as he blocked all of them. I was surprised at her precision and speed.

"Ouch!" Naveen yelled as Kritika landed a punch after 5 whole minutes of punching and blocking.

"Wait what? Did I actually land a hit?" Kritika yelled as she jumped up and cheered. Aki, Ridhi, Navya and Aakash congratulated her as Naveen smiled proudly at her. The rest of us just sat confused.

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