Eight (oneshot)

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My dear friend @sims4jikook (on Instagram) cooperated with me and created a little promotion video for this story. I hope you like it as much as I do. Thank you for the cooperation, my friend. ♥

Please follow her and her amazing account. I'm so addicted to her videos. ♥



"Jungkook! Please hurry, we are already late.", Jimin says while standing in the hallway of their apartment, putting on his shoes.

"Yeeees, I am coming!"

He hears Jungkook screaming from their bedroom.

"Tae already texted me where we are. They nearly arrived at the location and we were still not even started.", the older one yells.

Jungkook stands in front of the wardrobe, looks in the mirror while buttons the buttons on his white shirt. But which tie will fit to his outfit? He decides to only wear a simple black pair of fabric trousers and suitable elegant black leather shoes. Although it is not the first New Year's Eve they will celebrate with their friends, it will be a special one for him and Jimin. That is why he is even more excited and wants to look especially good for tonight.


Jimin and him are in the same band for a little more than seven years now, knowing each other for way longer. But it got more serious between them five years ago when he, Jungkook, finally decided to keep his heart free for Jimin.

The older one always liked Jungkook and did not hide it in front of the other band members and – what was even worse for Jungkook – in front of the cameras. He, a 16 years old, innocent boy, and Jimin, the absolute opposite from him. Jimin is two years older and had some experience with love already back then. And he always ran after Jungkook which the younger one could not handle at that time. So, he did what he could do best: run away and try to ignore Jimin and his secret feelings for him which came to light one year later for the first time.

It was the way Jimin looked at him which made him curious about how he thinks about the elder. In interviews he started to tease Jimin and what started as jokes soon became frustration and disappointment on Jimin's side. First, it was Jimin who always wanted to be near Jungkook, but with every month Jungkook gold older, he realized that he also shares the same feelings as Jimin does for him. Well, at least he thought so. And it was a rocky way to get back into Jimin's heart again. Jungkook realized how much he hurt Jimin every time he rejected him or made fun of him. When he now thinks about that time, he could slap himself. How young and stupid he was back then.

It took them one more year to finally open up for each other and decided to start a secret love relationship with each other. At that time Jungkook did not know what that actually meant. Being with someone, caring for each other, loving but especially hiding from public which was and still is the hardest part in their both lives. They cannot act like normal couples. They cannot hold hands in public, kiss or caress each other, just do simple things normal couples may do. They may not.

With the time it still was hard for them to hide their feelings for each other especially in front of the other band members. But as much as they grow as a unit, they learnt to respect each other more and more, to pay attention to the thoughts and needs of the other one. It was Taehyung who was the first to talk with his best friend Jimin if there is something going on between him and Jungkook. At the beginning, Jimin denied everything. And even Jungkook tried to avoid any deeper conversations with Taehyung. But soon the other band members got suspicious, too. And at the end it was Namjoon who took both Jimin and Jungkook aside to have a serious conversation with both of them. For the benefit of the complete group.

Eight | JiKook [oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now