"What're you doing?" Chaeyoung laughed softly. Lisa huffed and looked up, clenching her fist around the makeup brush. She had small dots of mascara streaked around her eyes.

"I cannot do it," Lisa mumbled, turning back to the mirror and holding her eye open with one hand. Chaeyoung grabbed her wrist before she could bring the mascara back up to her eye.

"Hey, you don't need makeup," Chaeyoung said softly, gently taking the mascara from Lisa's hand and setting it on the counter. "There's no point. I wanna see you just the way you are." She held Lisa's chin with one hand and grabbed a makeup wipe with the other, carefully dabbing the spots around her eyes.

"But I am not pretty," Lisa whispered, standing still while Chaeyoung continued to wipe the smeared makeup off of her face. Chaeyoung shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows and leaning in closer to get the corners of Lisa's eyes.

"Yes you are," she pulled back and ran her thumb over Lisa's cheek. "I think you're the prettiest girl in the world. Not that it matters, though. There are so many other things about you that are way better than just the way you look."

She took step back and studied the outfit Lisa had chosen. Black jeans, a red pea coat, and a white scarf. Complete with her white converse, of course. Chaeyoung was endeared.

"And I think your sense of style is adorable, too," Chaeyoung giggled and kissed Lisa's forehead. The younger girl looked down shyly, hiding the blush that had spread across her cheeks.

Lisa studied Chaeyoung's outfit. She would never choose the dark jeans and black band t-shirt for herself, but it's what she adored about Chaeyoung. Furrowing her eyebrows, Lisa watched as Chaeyoung grabbed her makeup bag from the counter.

"No," Lisa shook her head and slid forward. "I do not want you to. You are pretty without it."

Chaeyoung bit her lip, looking down at the products in her hands. She didn't like going out without makeup. It was like her mask. But she realized she had just told Lisa the same exact thing. She would be contradicting herself if she didn't oblige.

"You're too smart for your own good," Chaeyoung teased, giving Lisa a soft smile and pushing the makeup bag aside. Once they brushed their teeth, she combed her fingers through her own hair and glanced in the mirror once last time before turning to Lisa. "Looks like we're ready, then."

Lisa smiled and followed Chaeyoung into the bedroom, waiting as the older girl zipped up her combat boots and tugged a beanie onto her head. Her eyes widened.

"I want one," Lisa hopped forwards and pointed to Chaeyoung's beanie. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow. The beanie she currently had on was the only one she owned. That was, until, she remembered something. She held up a finger to signal for Lisa to wait.

Digging around in the back of her closet, Chaeyoung smiled when she finally found what she was looking for. She stood up and held the baby blue beanie out in Lisa's direction.

"I forgot I even owned this," Chaeyoung laughed softly, watching as Lisa's face lit up and she gently took the beanie from Chaeyoung's hands. "I used to wear it all the time in high school.”

Lisa studied the beanie in her hands before tugging it on. She was met with an overwhelming sense of familiarity as Chaeyoung stepped forward and adjusted the material on her head.

"I love it," Lisa smiled, reaching up to pat the top of her head.

"Y'look cute," Chaeyoung laughed softly before turning around and grabbing her backpack. Lisa clapped her hands together.

"I want one," Lisa pointed to Chaeyoung's backpack. The older girl couldn't help but laugh.

Without another word, Chaeyoung dug around under her bed until she found one of her old backpacks from high school. Lisa's eyes widened.

Blue [Chaelisa]Where stories live. Discover now