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Being your slave what should I do but tend
Upon the hours, and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend;
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world without end hour,
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour,
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save, where you are, how happy you make those.
So true a fool is love, that in your will,
Though you do anything, he thinks no ill.


lavender's pov 


same day

sitting in my office I can't stop thinking about wil. he was basically speaking into my mouth. his lips were a fingers width apart from mine. he tricked me, like I did him. it was fair, but it hurt. my heart is still racing. Wil basically kissed me. his body was on top of mine. 

I smell my shirt, it smelt of him. the warm scent of laundry detergent and coconut filled my nose. Wil was filling my head. wil wil wil. 

i unlocked my computer and saw two tabs open. my work tab, and twitch. i need to get work done today i said to myself, but as I said it, my finger made its way over twitch.tv, and I clicked on it.

I typed the name "will gold" into the little search bar, but nothing came up. confused, i scrolled through the results. absolutely nothing. did he block me? 

wondering why his name wasn't followed by his channel, i opened another search tab and searched the same thing. "will gold" and yet again, nothing. all that appeared was gold prices, and a music artist. no will. 

my last resort was to click the little button that said "images" and there he was. there was only one picture of him. I clicked on the picture. it said his name? so why wasn't he appearing? he's famous? isn't he?

curious, i clicked on the link for the image. a small article appeared. "will gold. london. Wilbur soot"

soot? wilbur? will is short for wilbur i assume. but where does soot come from? 

I made my way back to twitch and searched "wilbur soot" and sure enough wil's face popped up on the screen along with his follower count. as my eyes wandered the little video icons, I saw a red square that read "live"

i clicked on it. all of a sudden a chat box appeared, flooding down the right side of the screen, and right next to it was wil, wearing the same thing that I just saw him in. is this real time? being new to twitch, i couldn't tell.

i decided to see for myself. i placed my hands on the side of my desk and pushed away from it causing my wheeley-chair to spiral all the way to the window on my door. i looked across through wil's window directly across to see him talking. i looked back at my screen, then back at him. through his window i saw him clapping, and when i looked back at the screen, he was clapping. 

his stream was full of people, viewers joining every second, people spamming his chat, yet he was answering questions at rapid fire, how on earth could he even read them that quickly? all of a sudden i heard his voice through my screen, reading a comment that i never expected

"wilbur yesterday i saw you walking around downtown brighton with a girl-" he read quickly to himself before answering 

"well that's a little creepy @ quackitysduck42 but, ah yes, you may find this surprising but good old wilbur here, yes me, the dirty crime boy, can make friends!" he said laughing to himself

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