The two rush Wally to the med bay and to get Nightwing.

"Nightwing!" Both Jamie and Bart yell.

Dick wipes up his tears before standing up and turning to the two. "Yes?" 

"There's something you need to see." Bart says as Nightwing walks over to the two.

"What is it-" Suddenly Dick gets cut off, getting engulfed into a hug by someone.

"Hey dickie bird"

Dick couldn't speak.

It was Wally.

His Wally.

His Wally was back from the dead.

"Wally- you- how-" Dick stumbled over his words.

"I missed you too" Wally whispers to him. 

Dick hugs Wally tightly and sobs into his shoulder. "Wally-" 

"Shh, it's ok Dick, you don't have to say anything...but.. I think I should probably go back to the med bay..." Wally chuckles before falling limp into Dick's arms.

Dick chuckles and picks Wally up bridal style, holding him close to his chest and taking him to the med bay.

Once Dick lays Wally down and hooks him up to all the equipment, he calls Batman and Flash to come immediately.

He sits on the side of the bed and caresses Wally's cheek with a small smile. "I can't believe your back...I missed you so much..."

Wally opens his eyes and smiles at Dick. "I missed you too dickie bird. Mind if I get something to eat?" 

Dick chuckles. "Sure, I'll go get something. Just to let you know I called Flash and Bats, they should be here any minute now." Wally nods and Dick gets up, heading to the kitchen to make Wally's favorite foods.

When Dick returns he sees that the Flash and Batman are already in the med bay and checking on Wally and asking him questions. "Come on guys, give him a break, he hasn't eaten anything yet." Dick says as he walks over and hands Wally his food. Wally and Flash chuckle a bit.

"Thanks!" Wally says as he devours the food. "Delicious as always! You're the best cook ever Dick!" 

Dick rolls his eyes and sits in a nearby chair. "Whatever you say's he doing?" Dick asks Batman who is running tests.

"He seems fine and everything is in order. He will just need some sleep and food." Batman states in his monotone voice. 

"When does he not" Dick mumbles with an eye roll.

"When should we tell the others?" Dick asks. The three of them turn to Wally.

"Why are you guys looking at me?" Wally raises his eyebrow, not understanding the situation at hand. 

"Because it's really up to you when you want to tell them that you're now, not dead.." Flash says.

"Not dead? Oh..well it doesn't really matter, you could always tell them now, oh, I should really talk to Artemis." Wally says, tapping his chin.

Dick looks at Flash and Flash looks at Dick before turning back to Wally. ".. Artemis went missing a week after your death.." Flash says solemnly.

"Oh...well, can I talk to Dick in private then?" Batman and Flash nod before leaving the room.

"What's up?" Dick asks, sitting on a chair next to the bed.

 "Is Artemis really gone?" Wally asks, worry clear in his voice.

"Yeah... I'm sorry Wally, but it seems she dropped off the earth.." Dick says as he hugs Wally gently.

"That's actually kinda makes things easier for me." Wally says with a chuckle.

 "What do you-" Dick was cut off by Wally grabbing Dick's face and giving him a soft, passionate kiss on the lips. Both of them blush profusely and Wally pulls away quickly.

"Sorry I just-" Dick cuts off Wally with a kiss this time. Soon the two are in a heated make out session.

After a few minutes of making out they both pull away to breathe. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that for..." Dick breathes out, Wally looks at him with a smile "Same..."

They lean in for another kiss but Flash clears his throat. "Sorry to bother you two but we need to run more tests." They turn red and look anywhere but at Flash. 

"Oh- right.. I'll go tell the team the news.." Dick says as he gets up.

"Wait-" Wally says as he grabs his arm. "Once more thing" He pulls Dick down close and whispers something in his ear that makes Dick's whole face go red.

Dick walks out the room and Flash enters it, going over to Wally. "So, Dick huh?" 

"What? He's nice and I've known him for like forever." Wally huffs as he crosses his arms.

Flash chuckles and shakes his head. "I can't believe it took you this long."

 "What's that mean?" Wally questions.

 "Oh nothing. So what'd you tell him?" Flash asks.

 Wally blushes. "You know..stuff.."

 "Sureee. Next time though, maybe you should go somewhere private before you start making out." Flash crosses his arms and smirks.

Wally blushes more. "Shut up! We were caught up in the moment!" 

Flash laughs. "Alright alright, but just so you know, I want grandkids~" Flash teases before speeding off, away from the super blushy Wally. 

Thank you so much for reading, please tell me if there are any mistakes.

I hope you liked the story! Have a great day/night!

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