Curse lifted

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A good song for this is were going home by Vance joy

 You had been recused from kickdrift for a while  now your life had been a blur Shockwave and bumblebee had been wounded as you and acree had been rescued you feelings where twisted and you hurt physically and emotionally you lost most will to move soundwave began to worry and keep close watch of you because this you felt horrible you should havent killed him your captor your tormentor you ex boyfriend you ahted the arrangement your fake parents made with his butbyou never should've killed him you finally crumbled when your Playlist started playing you can be king again you started singing as tears slide down your face soundwave walks in just as you started singing but you had not noticed you feel to your nees around the end your pain comusing you you held yourself but you began to glow a light firey red and oranges and yellows you began to transform into your true form a cybertronian form you looked like a mix of soundwave and acree but you were was tall was knockout your paint was white and your lines and colors where glowing fires yellows and reds and oranges you looked kinda like a sexy color inverted soundwave your voice filled the room many people where there at that point the docs and the commanding vehicons starscream and Megatron all of there eyes widened as you true form seeped through your cat turned into a minicon he looked like a darker ranvenge with red and oranges and yellows then turned whiter to match y/n you turned and looked at Megatron who was leaking all eyes wide around the crowd at that your eyes went white your memories of your whole life before becoming "human" cam back you remembered your sire who was no other than Megatron and you brother who died for you and how Optimus left you behind and betrayed Megatron from it everything you ever knew came back you remembered your true name eclipse a dark and powerful force your eyes turned normal and you ran to Megatron and cried everything out your curse lifted you when you where left alone with soundwave he was crying under his visor and you knew it so you walked over to him and hugged him tightly and looked at him your hands driving to his visor he didn't stop you he grabbed you hands and lead them to the button to press to take the visor off but them overed your eyes and you clicked the visor and you heard a hiss and felt a pair of soft lips meet your you looked shocked but as soon as  he moved his hands you where met with the most sexy face you had ever seen and thats alot because you live with knockout XD

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