Medics orders

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key for uh wellyou

 h/l hair length 

 e/c eye color 

 h/c hair color 

 y/n your name 

 l/n last name 

 authors note : sorry in advance for any bad typos or mistypes and bad writing [ no sentences and other things im just bad at it and characters out of character ]

your running pain flows through you midnight fell blood seeps through the back of your shirt and pants as the wolves gain on you. your raspy gasp for air fill the woods as you run faster than ever the wolves on your tail , but just then you see light so you rush for it only to fall about 20 feet into a cave. your sight failing you think you see large figures but you pass out then and there out cold. 

 random miner ;" sir look " 

 sqaud leader : " what is it ? "

 random miner 2: " human this could be of use sir "

 sqaud leader: " then call commander soundwave " 

 hours later : you wake up in a large room with a huge bed and tools you quickly find a large mechanical robot standing near you on your right you squeal in terror he then looks at you his cherry red paint shining. 

 knockout: " i see your awake fleshing do not be scared im helping you "

 you : " W-What are you ?!"

 knockout : " a robotic being called cybertronians from the planet cybertron "


 knockout :" i have no intentions of hurting you i was the one that patched you up "  

knockout then explains everything about cybertronians and the war and earth the factions and how there the decepticons and there rivals are autobots and how hes the medic of the decepticons and all of that jazz but anywho weeks so go by and soon it becomes months and almost half a year your life been better than being beat but you finally get a text from a strange person who you hate for trying to kill you but your in a store and their there with you 

 unknown number : hello darling~

 you: how did you get this number 

 unknown person : how could you forget baby

About a week later you were in a car and you had a terrible accident knockout came to you aid with breakdown and took you back to base 

You awake to the sound taping the counter and knockout replacing your blood supply you weakly open your eyes you turn to breakdown who is at your side and Megatron who's is at the door then soundwave who had gotten up so fast and walked over to your bed and turned on his holoform (the photo above) he looked so worried you continued to look over at knockout to see him with energon in the bag you looked at your arm and see light blue corsing through your veins you jumped straight up your eyes in fear but soundwaves holoform gripped you from behind and calmed you you sat back down confused knockout noted this and then sat down with you 

 Kt : um y/n y-your not just human

 You: WHAT 

 Kt : your half human your father is a cybertronian your mother also a half blood 

Swaves : its not that bad your stronger than you know

 Y/n : I guess that means I'm like you guys in a way its just shocking 

 Kt : but this also explains the you would pass out and cough up blue 

 Y/n : I guess but ..... I will never be able to be like you guys

 Swaves : we could build something i promise we could fix it you can have a cybertronian body and a more efficient human form than us

 Y/n : I would every much like that thanks guys 

 You were walking about the street you came to a fretful stop when you saw a semi truck and ambulance following you around you quickly turned streets only to meet the hood of a black and yellow camero you freeze and begin running for the outer sides of jasper once you hit the out skirts they where all there corned you had no choice but to use your newly built cybertronian form you turned into a large femme with a build mix of knockout and acrees but the looks of soundwave your visor slid into place the autobots then in confusion you took the chance to get way your first alt form was an Aston Martin like knockouts you turned into that and smashed the pedal to the floor you speeding through the back streets aiming for a way out only to slam into the large prime you body not used to such impacts yet through your self through the groundbridge in pain and passed out you were put on medical watch you were out for a while So woke up in bed you thought what happened yesterday was a dream you turned around to knockout there though but you where in a human bed warm and cozy knockout them turned and asked you if you wanted to go shopping you said sure and you guys went shopping for things for the house that was being built in the medical wing and you went home you talked to him about your dream and he just chuckled 

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